My house was broken in to and my laptop stolen. On it was all my art programs, art work I had done, things that cannot be replaced. It was part of my spirit, lifeblood, ability to create, design, ability to open almost any program, family pictures, I have not been the same since that happened, my anger about it has grown every time I hit a roadblock with the abilities the programs gave me. It's like it happened yesterday.
I’ve had jewelry stolen as well, all pieces I planned to pass on. Now that it is time in my life to pass items down, I am stripped clean.
A gold rose with a diamond in the middle on a gold chain, given to my aunt by my uncle then given to me before my aunt passed away. I planned on giving it to my great granddaughter along with a picture of my aunt and uncle with their history, written and attached to the back of the picture.
A gold chain with a cross given to me by a lifelong friend.
A gold chain with a gold key and other charms, each with a great backstory. Hoping it would make the recipient feel special to pass on something that meant so much to me.
A key chain with a metal piece with the engraved words, “you’ve come a long way baby,” from the 1970’s. It was given out by a cigarette company for free, I had it for so many years and the backstories, many of them, connected to it were so rich, uplifting and meaningful, it held my heart and spirit.
I have nothing left with any history or long backstories, I breaks my heart to think about the loss.