My2Cents, I'll set you off to this new house remodeling, do you think you'll really like this house making?
-Introduction -house building -house objects selection in furnitures appliances electronics + -regrouping layout re-ordering -establish another house? -swapping to many other objects (furnitures appliances electronics +) & reorganizing again?
Okay I see that you would like this one now- I typed in exactly the keywords as you said to the specific each object search that be all for the homeless senior house choices: And now You choose from each of these large packs of these house objects choices to get me started from that
Line 2 #1 is more like what I saw and liked so much. Line 3 #3 would be really good as well. Is #3 another room in #2's house? looks like it. The Lani I saw was very Hawaiian in design you go through the doors and there it was, beautiful!
This post was edited by Art Lover at November 29, 2023 2:44 PM MST
Hummm, the lani I saw must have been special. It was a big room, two doors opened out from the bedroom and there was a lot of greenery, the floor was wood. Gosh, it's been so long since I saw it, hard to remember, all I know is it all felt really good, seemed like it was part of the bedroom except for the doors. #1 is most like it. The floors were bamboo (i think) and there was only a wood railing, no walls, no Jacuzzi, just flowers. The house was still being built, should have taken pictures. I did take a picture of the garage door, no idea what happened to it. The garage door had metal work on it and was unusual and very beautiful.
This post was edited by Art Lover at November 29, 2023 5:09 PM MST
Okay I can try construct that house room exactly like that: See which one you want it t be done: 1. Draw many other small basic house models of your rooms - 1. in normal view, 2. in cross-sections solid/outline 2. Do the small-simple homeless senior house pieces 3. Re-constructing the new lanai house
The bedroom was larger as well as the Lani. It all looked like one large room with the doors open. Hard to remember, it was so long ago. A pool was in the process of being built next to the Lani but lower than the house. Just got a quick glimpse of it all.
I marked in all your info order to lani house room project here: I don't know if I can model the house to just about the exact, that I copied all the image pieces I think are required to it, should I still try it with all these picture pieces here? :
Then I probably may just skip that project for now, & move on to just miniature structures for your house & for homeless senior house for now!
This post was edited by DannyPetti at November 30, 2023 9:20 AM MST
Okay what else I can do with my other computer drawings, or what else my other computer drawing programs can do - is after I copy & paste in the images that's besides the drawing of computer programs, that it can also transfer the image drawn or edited on a drawing program-to another different drawing program(s). There's some other computer drawing websites that can copy an image(from Google) to that program where it can actually be drawn over. + my phone & LapTop has a built in camera, so I can also copy pictures from a book & magazine, take picture of my house floors, walls(with stuff on walls), etc. as well as (my) shirt with other patterns, & I may can also transfer them to the drawing programs too, probably & to the drawing website that it can copy pictures to! I think the whole picture filter effect is a really good part, but should do some drawing along with that picture effect or image copying - "For a complete picture drawing(that you want)"
I will work on that soon also! I also can draw it on paper, take picture of it, put it in the computer, then I can post that paper drawing of house model here!