I’ll be right there, Pal. (Gee, folks, this guy is easy to bribe. I had expected the bidding to start at $1,000 cash. Oh well, the money saved can go to my Minneapolis activities instead. (Cough, cough.)
What a futile venture!
Pursuing the frivolous and slanderous prosecution/persecution route (especially against a rascally rascal such as Randolph D) to frame a stalwart pillar of the community will always be unsuccessful.
Why not just read the writing on the wall and come over to my side, Babykins? Imagine being snuggled up together with me as we play footsie, sip hot cocoa to stave off the cold weather and smooch, rather than going at each other’s throats in civil court arguing restraining orders that not even you are serious about winning? Grrrrrrrrr.
See? Just as I suspected, all those meaningless and mean spirited court filings actually make you retch, which is proof enough that you should end them. Both you and I will be much more comfortable once you’ve put aside all that time-wasting silliness. We have a romance to kindle here!
(((Jane S, that woman is pretty! Pass me her contact information or pass mine on to her. I’d like to set up an interview with her and a make a contract offer . . .
Wait! Maybe you can join in and do the introductions in person before the three of us can then move to a more intimate setting! Even better!))) ~
I know, right?