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What do these people have in common?

Posted - January 4


  • 3299
    They're all in the Jeffrey Epstein little black book.  However, that doesn't mean that they have done anything illegal.   
      January 4, 2024 6:38 AM MST

  • 33638
    Many of them, the papers confirmed had sex with underage children. Which should be illegal but the age of consent does vary from state to state. 

    Hawking was not underage girls....he wanted watch naked midgets solving math problems on a big chalkboard.  This post was edited by my2cents at January 4, 2024 7:01 AM MST
      January 4, 2024 6:57 AM MST

  • 5451
    Little Saint James Island is in Virgin Islands.  The age of consent there is 18.  None of the people listed are young enough to be covered by Virgin Islands’ Romeo and Juliet law so if any of them had sex with anyone under 18, it was against the law for them.
      January 7, 2024 5:01 PM MST

  • 10569
    I think it's a shame the list was unsealed without due diligence to ascertain what  type of connection these people had to Epstein. Rumor and speculation, especially by biased individuals, can be so damaging. People will post anything on X.  Whoever compiled the collage of photos, has at least one photo of a person not in the documents, but didn't include this one, who is.

    This post was edited by Jane S at January 11, 2024 6:32 PM MST
      January 4, 2024 7:59 AM MST

  • 33638
    This photo is of people who used Epstein's services not just mentioned in the docts. As DeCaprio and Cate Blanchett are not pictured either. Because they were not testified to as receiving a "massage," etc, they were just acquainted. This post was edited by my2cents at January 4, 2024 9:45 AM MST
      January 4, 2024 8:47 AM MST

  • 10569
    To my knowledge, no list of confirmed clients exists. If I am wrong,  I'm sure you will provide it. The documents which were released are court records from a lawsuit filed by one of Epstein's victims against Ghislaine Maxwell. No one mentioned has had the opportunity to defend themselves in a court of law, nor have many of them been accused of anything. You have just proved my point. 
      January 4, 2024 9:10 AM MST

  • 33638
    Where did I say it is a "client list?" 

    There are court docts released to the public.  Victims testifying of who they "massaged" and what they saw/heard about different clients. 
    There is the flight list (long been leaked) 

    No actual client list just testimony and other docts. 
    No need to worry about defending in a court of law, the DOJ has had this and other evidence for years now.  They are not charging anyone. I hope the judge who released it has good security  because as we all know Epstein did not kill himself. 
      January 4, 2024 4:21 PM MST

  • 10569
    'People who used Epstein's services' . Doesn't that mean clients? And have any clients been confirmed? How did you fact check that photo? What services did Oprah use, for example? There is so much false information circulating than can harm to people's reputations or even put them in danger and it's truly reprehensible to participate in that. I will not defend anyone who is proven guilty of pedophilia, but I won't jump to conclusions. If you can find anything in these court records to support your statements, I hope you'll share it with the class.

      January 4, 2024 6:14 PM MST

  • 33638
    Clinton, Prince Andrew, Derkowic  (sp), Richardson, Hawkins,....are in the docts as accused of using Epstein's sex trafficking services.  
    I will followup with what the others are directly accused of. Again, they are not going to prosecute any of these people. They have had this information and more for years now.

    Here is another link to the first drop of docts. (There are more out and more to come)

      January 6, 2024 7:13 AM MST

  • 10569
    Part of what you say is true and part is not. It is too much effort to continue to  rebut your beliefs. You won't change and most people on here understand that your biases influence your ability to tell fact from rumor.

      January 6, 2024 7:35 AM MST

  • 33638
    The five I mentioned above are the court docs as being accused of sex with minors.   That is not rumors. The accusations are in the docts. 
      January 6, 2024 3:40 PM MST

  • 10878

    What they have in conman is none of them have been charged with rape and fined 5 million dollars like Trump was. Trump was on the list so its funny he is not on your poster Cheers!

    This post was edited by Nanoose at January 11, 2024 6:32 PM MST
      January 5, 2024 5:40 AM MST

  • 33638
    Trump is in the docts....mentioned 6 or more times and each time the persons testifying says Trump did not participate in any of it.
     Which is why he is not in the poster.
    Trump was not convicted of rape....that was a civil deflamation case. This post was edited by my2cents at January 6, 2024 7:01 AM MST
      January 6, 2024 5:24 AM MST

  • 10569
    I'm interested how you will explain 50 year-old Trump's relationship with a 20 year-old model, introduced to him by Ghislaine Maxwell. The model later talked publicly about being one of Epstein's victims. Let me guess what you'll say: she was over the age of consent, so nothing creepy about it. Nor anything wrong with hosting parties for middle-aged men and teenage models.

    This post was edited by Jane S at January 10, 2024 7:09 AM MST
      January 7, 2024 3:16 PM MST

  • 33638
    20 yr old....sleazy people, do sleazy things. But it is not illegal.  I have never denied nor defended Trump's sleazy actions. 
      January 10, 2024 7:01 AM MST

  • 10878


    I just thought of another thing they have in common. None of them had a lawyer named Rudy that was taped with their hands down the front of their his pants while lying on a bed in a room with a girl that he thought was only 17 years old. I did a little research on the hawking thing and it looks like it was not true - it was just a fake doctored court document circulating on social media. 
    Cheers and happy weekend



    This post was edited by Nanoose at January 6, 2024 12:32 PM MST
      January 5, 2024 8:31 AM MST

  • 33638
    I have not directly confirmed the midgets yet. But there is one of Epstein's victim's says she had knowledge of an underage orgy with Hawkins. It is in email evidence. 
      January 6, 2024 6:58 AM MST

  • 10052
    They're all rich and at least somewhat famous (I don't recognize them all)?

    Have any of them been accused of raping a 13-year-old like he whose name won't be spoken has?  

      January 6, 2024 12:02 PM MST

  • 5451

    As of right now, they’re only guilty by association.  This news story illustrates why I hate American liberalism and American conservatism so much.  The liberal side of the media only cares about it if Donald Trump can be implicated.  The conservative side of the media only cares about it if one of the liberal guys can be implicated in it.

    Do any Trump supporters actually care about any of Donald Trump’s accusers?  I’m not really hearing anything about it.  Do any Democrats actually care about what Tara Reade has to say?  I don’t hear a whole lot about that either.

    You know what?  I can’t vote for either of those two and I’m not going to do it!  That’s disgusting!  I don’t care if the statute of limitations is up and they haven’t been convicted.  If it’s wrong for one side, then guess what, it’s wrong for the other!  

    When people from one side jump up and down and scream about the other guy’s rape accusations while staying silent about their own guy’s rape accusations, I don’t really want to hear about it.  They’re not even serious about it!

    I’ve tried to avoid talking about politics too much, but one of these days I might just lose it and unload by typing up a whole page of everything that I hate about both sides and also their unholy alliances on some issues.

      January 7, 2024 5:28 PM MST

  • 10569
    I didn't consider this a political issue, even though some politicians were in Epstein's orbit. I am concerned about the misinformation being circulated without regard to the consequences. I actually went through the first batch of downloaded documents which this question was based on, before I weighed in. You are correct that at this point, it is guilt by association. As for the upcoming presidential election, I keep hoping that something will change when it comes to both nominees. Please consider that there are people on both sides who really want what is best for the country, instead of assuming that all we want to do is make the other side look like bad people. 
      January 7, 2024 6:01 PM MST

  • 3299
      January 8, 2024 7:11 AM MST