I'm of two minds on this one. Apple has put a great deal of money into the research and development of its products. As a result, they should not have to make the technology open to every other producer. I do believe, however, that repairs to their products should be able to be done by others who may be able to make them in a less expensive manner. In a way, perhaps it should be like big pharm companies which get patents for a finite number of years before generics come to market.
I think Apple should not be allowed to trap their customers into only using their products for other services that maybe available cheaper or offer differnt options from 3rd party suppliers.
ie. Cloud storage, messaging apps, search engines etc.
I understand Apple says their products will work together via using just their products but that should be a selling point for the customer to decide they want, not something they are locked into using.
Personally, I do not own any Apple products. I prefer Andriod for my phone. And do not link them to my computer or anything else.