Would you be so kind as to give me the exact coordinates of your residence, please (accurate down to ten meters)?
As you stated, I already have it documented, sure. It’s just to further verify that I’ve properly calibrated my direction-finding devices. I bought them off the black market from a foreign manufacturer, meaning that they’re not truly legal for use in any jurisdiction of the United States, so it means a lot to me if you could just help a brutha out. Thanks.
I have asked you to ignore her! It’s so hard to get good help these days. (I’d fire you, but you’re fascinated with me, I just can’t break that bond.)
You wouldn’t possibly be involved in any incognito plot of chartering small planes off the record to smuggle Vegemite out of Australia and into San Diego, would you? Your proximity to a viable airstrip makes me a bit suspicious. Grrrrrrrrr.