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Liberals always say "prepare for the future" but how will we if everyone is either aborted or transgender?

Posted - August 13, 2024


  • 17088
    Seriously? It's a tiny percentage, less than one in 100, who are either.
    And it's not just Liberals. China (not liberal, on the contrary a totalitarian state) has more abortions annually than anywhere else in the world and most are for the heinous crime of being girls. Women brag about it - it's a cultural thing, a boy looks after his parents in their old age and his wife helps him, so under the one child policy (recently relaxed) they didn't want daughters.
    I know one gender fluid person and less than half a dozen trans - and given that making my living requires that I interact with dozens of people from all levels of society on a daily basis, I probably know more people than you do.
    Abortion I'm not a fan of, unless it's for cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the woman - less than one in twenty terminations are for any of those reasons - mainly because contraception is cheap, should be cheaper but that's a different argument. Laziness isn't a good enough excuse and neither is a lack of knowledge (and this is why sex ed is important because too many terminations happen because of a lack of information about contraception, including how to do it properly. Condoms break if they're old, mishandled or kept in a hot environment so your wallet or the glove compartment of your car aren't a good idea unless you replace them on a weekly basis. The Pill only works of you take it at the same time every day, plan B only works if you're prompt about getting it). The Catholic Church's position on contraception is not only wrong,  it's morally indefensible.
      August 13, 2024 10:25 PM MDT

  • 4288
    To your list of acceptable reasons for abortion, I would add in cases of extreme physical malformations in the fetus, such as missing a vital organ or extreme spinal malformation, etc.  Personally, I would want to terminate a pregnancy if I knew there were conjoined twins that couldn't be separated or if the child would be unable to take care of itself at some point.  I don't think of it as selfishness on my part, but as not wanting my child to be doomed to a miserable and possibly painful life.
      August 14, 2024 8:16 AM MDT

  • 4288
    Chief, you are over-dramatizing here.  "everyone" is not aborted, nor is "everyone" transgender.  Do you really think that transgenders didn't exist before now?  The difference is that they were afraid to admit what they felt and remained "in the closet."  Can you imagine what it would be like to have to live your life as the gender you were born when in your heart and mind, you identified with the opposite gender?  
      August 14, 2024 8:20 AM MDT