Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Now that we have had 2 assassination attempts on Trump, any chance Dems/media will tone down their rhetoric about Trump?

Now that we have had 2 assassination attempts on Trump, any chance Dems/media will tone down their rhetoric about Trump?

Posted - Tue at 5:50 AM


  • 23376

    Regardless of the assassination attempts, I have seen little or no change in Mr. Trump's very unpresidential/negative (to me) behavior and speech. 

    If he hasn't changed, I don't see why others should change. I still see extreme talk and name calling and rhetoric coming from him and many Republicans. And if only policy matters, none of this matters.

    And I'm very much against any violence and killing attempts on anyone. Murder is wrong for anyone.
      September 17, 2024 8:47 AM MDT

  • 10919

    I have seen a big change in Trump's very unpresidential/negative behavior and speech. Last assassination attempt he waited almost a week before he blamed it on Biden. This time he blamed it on Biden in less than 24 hours. Cheers!

      September 17, 2024 9:27 AM MDT

  • 33746
    Biden just days before the first attempt, talk about "putting a target on Trump."

    Media/Dems call:
    Trump a threat to democracy, 
    Literally Hitler.
    Have said only a bullet will stop him
    Hillary just hours after the 2nd attempt on MSNBC: 
    TRUMP is a danger to the world and this country.  And ot is the MEDIA'S job to create that narrative.  

    And there is so much more that they have said over the years rallying people up in to a craziness when the topic of Trump comes up. 

      September 17, 2024 10:07 AM MDT