Here: Toledo police...white. County State police...silver.
Police - (sedans) White with large black lettering that says "Police". (Jeeps) - Black.
Sheriff - (sedans and Jeeps) White with 2 large horizontal green stripes on the sides. (the Sheriff office's new combat tank is dark gray).
Highway patrol - (sedans, SUVs, Jeeps) Black with white doors.
(((((Psssst. Thanks for the warning. I need all the help I can get.)))))
I absolutely and categorically refuse to be taken to any linr. I don’t speak any of the Scandinavian or Slavic languages, and I will not go to a venue unknown to me. Grrrrrrrrr. (Well, unless there are sandwiches, harem girls, or grammar police conventions there. Then I’m in.)
Grrrrrrr. You don’t want nice things for me, and you never let me have any fun. I don’t deserve incarceration, why don’t you instead nuture my infatuation?
City Police, County Sheriff: Black and white.
Highway Patrol: White.
Border Patrol: White with green writing/green trim.