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Is it worth any cost to make sure undocumented aliens are punished?

Posted - Wed at 10:41 AM


  • 34038
    Arrest and Deport the criminals. 
    Prevent welfare for noncitizens.  
    Pass a law requiring all employers to use E verifiy. And enforce it. Have stiff punishments for employers who hire illegals. 

    Most will go back on their own. 
      October 23, 2024 6:15 PM MDT

  • 10925
    Not an answer to the question. But thanks for responding. 
      October 23, 2024 9:55 PM MDT

  • 34038
    Answer depends on the topic. So I went with the text of your video. 
      October 24, 2024 4:57 AM MDT

  • 10925
    The question was about the high cost. I assumed I would get answers to my question, and maybe the video would provide an example.  So I have just re-worded the question for you to ignore and stick with your non-answer.
      October 24, 2024 7:03 AM MDT

  • 8167
    Are they going to empty out their house when they leave?
      October 23, 2024 6:49 PM MDT

  • 16709
    And watch as the menial jobs that Americans are "too good" to do don't get done, and the economy grinds to a halt.
      October 23, 2024 11:56 PM MDT

  • 34038
    Pay Americans a wage and the jobs will get done. 
      October 24, 2024 4:59 AM MDT

  • 10925
    So, we have millions of Americans willing to pick lettuce and pluck chickens if only it paid enough. I assume building those higher wages into the cost of the food we eat, doesn't bother you at all. Not everyone can raise their chickens and vegetables and have to buy their food at the grocery.

    I'm pretty sure that CEOs are not going to let higher wages cut into the bottom line. I'm also pretty sure any mass deportation would be much smaller than advertised to protect those billionaires.

      October 24, 2024 7:17 AM MDT

  • 3599
    I believe there are two types of undocumented aliens.  One group is made up of people who were brought here when they were minor children by undocumented parents.  This group is likely made up of adults who have been here most of their lives, have no attachment to the countries from which they came, likely have jobs, pay taxes and move the economy forward.  Undocumented though they may be, they are likely law abiding people who contribute to society.  

    The second group are those who have illegally come into this country because of the deterioration of life in their home countries and, like most former immigrants, seek a better life.  I seriously doubt that the majority of them are receiving welfare or other government handouts simply because their status as "illegals" would mean they have to alert government authorities that they are here and risk being deported.  Having said that, we have immigration laws that shouldn't be flouted and, unless they are asylum seekers, they should be returned to their home countries to apply for entry in accordance with the law.

      October 24, 2024 8:59 AM MDT