I live in a no alcohol zone; don't buy it, drink it, or have it in the house. Alcohol is nasty, tastes awful, like gasoline, destroys the body and brain. Yuck!!!
I do drink decaf coffee. On wild days I add a splash of regular coffee to my decaf.
I felt the same way for a very long time....until, a friend gave me cup with coffee mate and sugar. Wow, it was a taste sensation, been hooked ever since. Now I've added sugar free chocolate the mix and drink it every day.
I usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning and that's generally it for the day. The only time I drink coffee later in the day is if I go out for dinner and have coffee with my dessert, but that's rare. I don't drink beer at all. I am guilty of having a glass or two of wine now and then, but if the liquor store depended on me, they'd go out of business.