I have An acquaintance of mine has quite a large number of documents, photos, other pieces of information that need to be shredded right away, and then the scraps burned,and then the ashes scattered in the winds of the Himalayas. I have My acquaintance has been to five different businesses where they expect me my acquaintance to toss the “evidence” into a so-called “secure” bin and walk away, trusting that they will be shredded later without anybody going through them, using them to their advantage, blackmailing me my acquaintance, selling them on the open market, calling in the authorities, etc.
(This is an urgent necessity, there are certain actions that have taken place that might tip off a certain Australian, or a Minnesotan, or an evil Queenpin, or Investigators looking into untoward activities that may or may not have been at my acquaintance’s hand. Cough, cough.)
I need to SEE them get shredded, not get promised that they’ll BE shredded “later”. Grrrrr.
Hey! Who let the Aussie in here? He’s probably using this job as a front to smuggle Vegemite and Down Under mayonnaise into the US! I can’t let him get ahold of my documents, he‘s one the main reasons I’m destroying them in the first place! HR! HR! HR! I demand to see the person who hired Slart! Arrrrgggghhh.