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Would have Jesus voted for Trump?

Posted - November 22, 2016


  •   November 23, 2016 9:48 AM MST

  • I can understand blocking all those, even blocking me.
    But Good old Tim? Come on.
      November 23, 2016 10:19 AM MST

  • 13395
    Maybe if Trump was willing to have an exorcism procedure done first. 
      November 22, 2016 12:27 PM MST

  • I'm sure he would agree to it. I don't know if he would do it. But I'm certain that he would agree with it.
      November 22, 2016 12:45 PM MST

  • What's your answer, big fella?
      November 22, 2016 1:55 PM MST

  • My answer is, no way.

      November 23, 2016 6:12 AM MST

  • humm... probably  ...


    "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. -Luke 14:26"


    "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.-Luke 12:51-53"

    ..and ,,,When a man decided to follow Jesus, he wanted to say goodbye to his family (Luke 9:61), but instead of leniency, Jesus replied to him: ... " a man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is not  fit for the kingdom of God".

    And .. jesus says to his own mother "Woman, what have I do to with thee?" -John -

    --sounds like the words of a scared cult leader to me .




      Jesus  pro war  quotes ;
    "If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. " (John 18:36)

    "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." (Revelation 2:22-23)

    "And behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good?

    "I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?" (Luke 12:49)

    "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law." (Luke 12:51-53)

    Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Matthew 10:34-37)

    "The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name." (Exodus 15:3)

    (Granted  this  is the ot  etc , but relevant )

    And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hand." (I Samuel 19:9)

    For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." (Malachi 4:1)


    Jesus tells  lies  ..

    Jesus told lies when he was questioned by a high priest after he was arrested. In fact, Jesus packed three whoppers into one single verse:

    John 18:19-20
    The high priest then asked Jesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine.
    Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever(always) taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.

    The three lies are:
    1) Jesus stated he always taught in the synagogues or at the temple.
    2) Jesus stated he spoke openly to the world.
    3) Jesus stated he said nothing in secret.

    Lie #1
    While Jesus did much of his teaching at the synagogue or temple, those were not the only places he taught.
    Matt 5:1-3, Matt 13:1-3
    Clearly, Jesus did not always teach at the synagogue or temple.

    Lie #2
    Jesus stated he spoke openly to the world. What does "openly" mean? Openly means honestly and with clarity. The dictionary defines "openly" as meaning the following:

    o·pen·ly, adverb
    frankly: without making any attempt at concealment

    Did Jesus speak openly to the people? Jesus often taught using parables. Parables are stories which relay a message using words as the vehicle. Even the disciples couldn't understand what Jesus was attempting to say and they often had to ask him what his words meant: Mark 4:10-13


    Jesus announced only to his close associates what his wordy teaching really meant. He did this in order to hide the truth which was revealed only to his "special" followers. It isn't simply a matter of the common people not understanding what Jesus was saying. It was a deliberate attempt by Jesus to obfuscate the meaning. This is not teaching in openness. It is teaching with deceptive intentions.

    Lie #3
    Jesus stated that he said nothing in secret.

    If this is true then Jesus should have taught the people he preached to the same things he disclosed to his disciples. Once again Jesus (actually the author of the Gospel of John), is exposed as lying to the high priest.

    As already noted, Jesus said that his close followers were allowed to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven that others were not allowed to know. It follows that the disciples must have been taught some things privately and these things were not revealed to the public by Jesus.


    Another lie  “””some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."


     Another ;lie

     Matthew 9:18-25 While Jesus spoke, there came a certain ruler who worshipped him, saying, my daughter is dead, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. Jesus said the maid is not dead, but sleeping. They laughed at him. Jesus went in, took her by the hand, and the maid arose.

     If the ruler's daughter was dead, then, Jesus lied. If she was not dead, then Jesus performed no miracle.


    John 5:31 Jesus said: If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true.



    Mark 10:26-27 Who can be saved? Jesus said: For human-beings, it is impossible…


     Obviously, all Christians, who try to convert you, believe Jesus to be a liar concerning salvation.


    Jesus    . “I am  satan “ ??? 

    "I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation 22:16)

    In other words, Lucifer-- Satan! , In Isaiah 14:12, St. Jerome, translated the Hebrew "morning star" into the Latin term "Lucifer" (light bearer), a name commonly ascribed to Satan by Christians.



    Jesus    kills 2  young boys at the age  of  5   in a temper tantrum . (the infancy  gospel of Thomas )

    Jesus kills a fig tree for not Bearing  fruit  ….  In the off  season .  lol.


    Jesus  has a  temper tantrum    flipping  over  chairs and  tables    of the money changers  .



     Thankfully  , There  is no  evidence   that jesus   ever  really  existed . (although many  fraud attempts  and  plants . )  he sounds  like an asshole  .



      November 22, 2016 7:13 PM MST

  • I'm going to take that as a yes, then.

      November 23, 2016 2:26 AM MST

  • 2219
    Whichever way would have your vote, you can't simply project that on to Jesus.

    Of course, they didn't have votes in his day, but all the same you can still have different scholars come up with different answers, depending on their theology.

    Naturally, you tend to believe your own theology, morality and politics and therefore hope that Jesus would back it, but the ways of God are not those of man.   
      November 23, 2016 7:01 AM MST

  • I'm not projecting anything on nobody. And the question is not about beliefs either. The character of Jesus, real or no, son of God or not, is well documented. The question is simple, according to the characterisation of the Jesus personage, do you think he would vote for Trump. 
    The fact that he couldn't vote or that it was a different time or whatever, misses the point and is at best disingenuous.
      November 23, 2016 9:38 AM MST

  • 2219
    The vote point merely reflects that one is inevitably selective in one's choice of how much of the customs of the time to transfer to the recent election.

    For myself, I should consider that Trump's misogyny would not be a significant factor for a man of that era.

    My view is that Jesus would indeed go for him, given that he is an anti-establishment figure.

    Obviously, others can and have disagreed with this viewpoint as they are entitled. .  
      November 29, 2016 1:34 PM MST

  • It makes sense. Although one can't on one hand say he probably would because hes antiestablishment, but then at the same time say that he would follow the ways of his time, misogyny in this case.
    I think you are stretching it by saying that since it was the way then, he'd have no option but to be participant in that mind set.  

    The angle of Jesus being still a product of that society and would, therefore react as such, I admit is a very good point I didn't even think about. 
      November 29, 2016 2:08 PM MST

  • 2219
    On the matter of the treatment of women and other oppressed groups, Jesus was certainly out of step with the establishment and conventional wisdom of his time. 

    Ultimately it depends on what relative weight you consider the holy one would give to the undesirable features of both candidates.
      November 29, 2016 4:17 PM MST

  • I understand, M, thanks for showing me a new point of view, at least for me it was.
      November 29, 2016 6:14 PM MST

  • 2327
    Trump is Jesus. And he's Jesus bigly. 
      November 29, 2016 6:36 PM MST

  • Hey a lot of people see him that way. That's not that farfetched of a thought.
      November 29, 2016 8:21 PM MST

  • 2219
    Aye, except that Jesus wasn't really into misogyny. But back then that wasn't anti-establishment.
      November 30, 2016 6:25 AM MST