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As you age how do you share your experiences with millennials without sounding like such an old geezer?

Millennials have never known a world without smart phones, the internet, Google and many other things we now take for granted.

Posted - December 1, 2016


  • Well, unfortunately, ya kind of don't. As far as I'm concerned, those "geezer" days were the good old days.
      December 1, 2016 8:59 AM MST

  • They're working on an app for that. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 17, 2016 3:00 PM MST
      December 1, 2016 9:42 AM MST

  • 3934

    Well played, sir!
      December 1, 2016 11:33 AM MST

  • 22
    I teach undergraduate students. It works if you share with a sense of humor. It also works better if your story is not " We never had email", but instead your story is a funny or interesting anecdote in which the lack of email plays a part.
      December 1, 2016 10:03 AM MST

  • 10696
    No matter how hard you try, you can't fool them into not noticing you're an old geezer.
      December 1, 2016 11:15 AM MST

  • 22
    I've embraced my inner geezer. It so freeing to know I never have to be cool anymore! lol.
      December 1, 2016 3:51 PM MST

  • 5614
    Aye, indeed.
      December 17, 2016 3:00 PM MST

  • 3934
    I have embraced my geezerdom...;-D...

      December 1, 2016 11:34 AM MST

  • 44544
    I can't communicate with them...they only tlk in txt. I don't care if they listen to me as I have nothing to say to them.
      December 1, 2016 12:18 PM MST

  • 7790
    According to you..................probably, geezers are going to sound like geezers no matter what.
      December 1, 2016 12:23 PM MST

  • 6988
    From 1976-1979, I NEVER had a telephone. I had to drive 2 miles to the nearest phone booth. 
      December 1, 2016 12:36 PM MST

  • 19938
    In the snow and with no shoes on.
      December 1, 2016 2:24 PM MST

  • 17261
      December 7, 2016 8:44 AM MST

  • 19938
    What do you care if they think you're an old geezer?  You must have had something going for you to get to the age where you are.  Let's see if they can do as well. 
      December 1, 2016 2:26 PM MST

  • Millennials?? Good grief! At my age I can't share my experiences with 50 year-olds without sounding like a geezer. :(
      December 1, 2016 10:49 PM MST

  • 3934
    Just give in to it...;-D...

      December 1, 2016 10:54 PM MST

  • 1326
    It's sad millennials will never know about a simpler less complicated world. 
      December 7, 2016 8:40 AM MST

  • 457
    *Sniff sniff* Smells like old people in here.
      December 7, 2016 8:48 AM MST

  •   December 17, 2016 1:29 PM MST

  • 3719
    The "old geezer" view would be that of someone too rude to engage with, but I'd be perfectly happy to talk about pre-"device" days with someone genuinely interested.
      December 16, 2016 3:19 PM MST

  •   December 17, 2016 1:29 PM MST

  • 3719
    Many thajnks for the "Like"!

    The other day I was chatting to friend only a few years younger than me about our respective Christmas and New Year's Eve plans. We agreed we're no longer ones for spending a few hours standing in an over-crowded pub just to see the New Year in, and my mate said something like, "We're both becoming a pair of grumpy old men, like Victor Meldrew!"

    {For those unfamiliar, Victor Meldrew was the leading character in the BBC-TV sit-com One Foot In The Grave; a humorous but sympathetic study of an elderly man who, despite evident good education and intelligence in his un-stated background, found many aspects of modern life very hard to manage, ranging from poor courtesy to the difficulties of obtaining proper service from shops, utility-companies  etc. And you don't need to be a GOM to meet these problems, either!} 
      December 19, 2016 5:58 AM MST

  •   December 19, 2016 6:10 AM MST

  • 3719
    Thankyou MrWitch
      December 19, 2016 6:16 AM MST