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Trump sold his stock in Boeing based on INSIDER information, and HE'S the insider.. Is that GOOD for us??


Boeing stock dropped like a ROCK after the president came down hard on Boeing.  Do you think Trump, the businessman, KNEW the stock would drop after Trump, the president, made his announcement???  Isn't that profiting unfairly???  

IMPEACH this pretender already..


Posted - December 7, 2016


  • 19937
    He did the same thing with his interests in the pipeline.  Yes, it is insider trading, but if Trump has his way, all of those restrictions are going to be lifted. 
      December 7, 2016 8:08 AM MST

  • Grrr we have it splashed in the papers today that trump is threatening Boeing over some contract or other to build a military plane... it's all very dubious behaviour
      December 7, 2016 8:10 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello D:

    2,000 people are employed building those planes.  I guess he doesn't care about THOSE workers..

      December 7, 2016 8:23 AM MST

  • 2219
    He's not prez yet; he should simply be charged under the stock market rules. Surely the US has a spare lawyer or two to do this?
      December 7, 2016 10:38 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello M:

    Spare lawyers - PLENTY..  Spare lawyers WITH balls - none.

      December 7, 2016 10:47 AM MST

  • 46117
    I guarantee only one thing.  It is good for Trump
      December 7, 2016 11:09 AM MST

  • 1233
    Trump dumped his entire stock portfolio in June.

    The stock of Boeing wasn't significantly affected. It's a volatile stock. Large percentage moves in a single day are normal. The chart has already recovered. Did you even look at a chart? Nothing happened!! Bigger moves than that happen on daily basis for no particular reason.

    Everything a president does helps some people and hurts other people. That's what leadership is; deciding the greater good.
      December 7, 2016 12:41 PM MST

  • 2219
    Does this mean he's going to mess up the whole stock market? 

    On the Boeing volatility, it wasn't his selling the shares that was the concern but that subsequent threats lowered the price in a way that affected other shareholders in a way that he had dodged.      

    However, seeing as his sale was of all his holdings not just Boeing, it seriously weakens the suggestion that it was a specifically targeted insider deal, unless of course he is going to hit all of his erstwhile held companies.       
    This post was edited by Malizz at December 7, 2016 3:48 PM MST
      December 7, 2016 3:41 PM MST

  • 3934
    @TrumpianRichA$$Kisser -- I'm sorry, no.

    See, this is why you are so consistently a dimwit. You don't understand that a Trump spokesperson SAYING Trump sold all his shares IS NOT the same thing as Der Pumpkinfuhrer ACTUALLY selling all his shares. And people have caught Trump lying about such things before.

    Now, personally, I don't believe this has anything to do with Der Pumpkinfuhrer trying to deliberately mess with Boeing's stock price. I think it was another one of his petulant narcissistic tweets that he puts out anytime ANYONE DARES CRITICIZE THE MIGHTY TRUMP. He has a long history of such behavior.

    If that's your definition of "leadership"...well, the TOS doesn't permit me to say what I really think...;-D...

    This post was edited by OldSchoolTheSKOSlives at December 7, 2016 4:02 PM MST
      December 7, 2016 4:01 PM MST

  • 1233
    I never said his statement was proof of anything. I was only implying that the burden of proof is on the left to prove he lied. I don't believe it because only a fool would attempt such deception under the spotlight of scrutiny. He has much to lose and nothing to gain.

    Dumping a stock you own only prevents loss. It doesn't achieve gain. So excon's assertion that he profited unfairly is nonsense anyway. To profit he would have to sell short right before making the tweet. (Borrowing the stock from someone, selling it, buying it back at a lower price, pocketing the difference, and returning the borrowed stock.) There is no evidence of that.

    Nice touch how you say you don't believe Excon's assertions either. Nice way to cover yourself from looking stupid later.

    This is why you're such a pseudo intellectual hypocrite. There is one intellectual standard for the left (i.e. wild speculation is fine) and the highest standards of evidence required for anyone else to assert anything.

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at December 8, 2016 2:54 AM MST
      December 8, 2016 2:51 AM MST

  • 3934
    EVidence-free contradictory "YOU STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ IZ STOOPID...AND EBIL!" rant is evidence-free...and contradictory.
      December 8, 2016 9:56 AM MST