There are phenomona which do not have a good materialist (materialist = following scientific principles as we know them) explanations, leading me to believe there is a non-material aspect to existence which we might call "God."
"Science has come a long ways since ancient days ...." - it indeed has, and its pace of discoveries has substantially increased. However, there are many areas which are still out its scope and out of reach of its instrumentation. Science doesn't know what was there before the universe or who/what started the evolutionary ball rolling.
There is proof that the universe always existed in some form therefore the scientific Law of the conservation of matter /energy; matter cannot be created or destroyed. The universe is infinite in time.
Once life began conscious awareness prompted evolution of species to occur; the need to survive and thrive.
I suppose one advantage of being a Pastafarian is you see His Noodly Image in most bowls of Spaghetti Bolognese. Christians have to wait for the occasional piece of toastor stained glass window image to see their holy visages....;-D...
no I do not ... I think it would be comforting to believe in something that could give me blind peace of mind. and I have no judgement against those who do .... But i personally can not. Cos I just have no frakin faith ... No fair :/
Do you believe in God? If yes why? I doubt there being a god however I can't say yes or no to whether a God exists or not. I am undecided. =====================================================
1- Yes, I believe in God because the Islamic concept of God has the best, most sensible answers to the fundamental questions of life. People from all walks of life and religions are embracing Islam despite the extremely negative image it has. Below are videos of two atheists [an American mathematics professor and a British university graduate].
2- Islam teaches that God cares for the guidance of all humanity without favouring a particular race, time or place. He did not wait till Moses, or Jesus or Mohammed was born to give people guidance. That makes sense and means that ALL peoples who ever they were and wherever they were, had guidance from God, and that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were just a few greats among the huge number of conveyors of guidance from God.