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DO we really think the Russians are harmless? We see today in the papers that Russia has stepped up efforts to destabilise the west

So US/Trump's new pals the Russians ARE trying to cause trouble in the UK. I thought their sites were just set on annoying the heck out of Europe and then they'd turn their attention to America once they have built up enough power...

Seems they aren't just relying on their new puppet Trump... they are messing with the UK too with with fake news, cyber attacks and new forms of de-stabilising..  And this is the UK saying it rather than those are are into conspiracy theories..

I truly don't get why you guys aren't worried.. meddling with YOUR electoral system, and invading countries, engaging in violence and bullying in countries they shouldn't be in... and deliberately engaging in cyber and smear campaigns to de-stabilise other countries... these is NOT the actions of a friend...  and mark my word America will be next....  

Someone here said that Russia can be compared to the west.. hmm really? So it's ok for us to invade other countries and kill whoever disagrees and tries to gain independence is it?  The person even tried to compare Russian politics as in their allegedly not being communist anymore to the west..  Maybe they are no longer communist in name but they sure aren't free!  

It's unfortunate that Putin wants to weaken NATO, (three guesses why????) and America, under the leadership of their puppet Trump, is playing right into the Russians hands.

Posted - December 17, 2016


  • 1233
    Of course they're not harmless. How can a major power be harmless? We aren't harmless either.

    It is in the nature of power to seek to expand itself until it dominates the entire planet. We are no different. Yes, Russia is a threat to us. Of course it is. Though we are also a threat to Russia. The west has been constantly striking at Russian interests. We engineered a coup in the Ukraine. We tried to undermine Russian interests in Syria. We developed missile shield technology undermining the nuclear stand off. Your view of the situation is completely one sided.

    Is Russia a free country? No. Though neither is the west. The west is simply a more advanced form of dictatorship (i.e. one where people falsely believe they are free and are therefore more productive for their masters.) In the west most politicians are just managers that serve the cartel of global financial interests that is the real power. Occasionally someone like Trump gets elected. If he pushes too far they'll just assassinate him.

    The game of chess with Russia has been going on for a long time. Neither side is going to win. There are only two outcomes. It will remain a stalemate or we will all die in a nuclear exchange. There is really no point in worrying about it. Just have a drink and chill.

    When the mainstream media / government tells you Russia is a threat, that's true. They don't tell you that to inform you of the obvious. They're just manipulating you to hate on things they tell you are pro Russian i.e. Trump. 

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at December 17, 2016 12:27 PM MST
      December 17, 2016 12:24 PM MST

  • It's not nature of all to wish to expand and dominate others.... countries I mean in this context.. WE did that, we all know we did that, we learned it was wrong and there is no way we would ever allow that again... it's abhorrent. vile.. evil.. wrong... so not all cultures want to expand.. the UK is a piddly little country, insignificant.. but we still hold a lot of sway.. thankfully not anymore by bullying.. or invading.. we dont want to do that.. not even our govt want to... 

    SO i say that cos its important to know.. its NOT normal .. it's un-civilised.. civilised people do NOT want to subjugate others and use and abuse and rape their land... we DID that.. it was wrong.. . we are no longer that people... in fact I firmly believe most of us never were.. but the aristocrats who led the country were.. even the aristos and govt eventually came to see it was wrong, they began to educate the masses here, they began to fight against slavery etc.. so even then we were learning.. 

    I see you engaged yet again in a personal attack.. saying i can only see things one sides.. yesssssssssssss my post was about the situation re Britain and that's the Brit view.. it's not mine alone, this is nothing to do with me.. but yes it has been said that the situation re Russia and their behaviour, particularly re de-stabilising the west IS also a threat to the US.. it wouldn't take a genius to work that out.. but to suggest that *I* am one sided.. well you know that that was a personal insult.. an attempt to belittle and manipulate...  that's unworthy of you and is certainly unworthy in respect of myself.

    Your view of the west and that we are not free is very strange... it is not reflected in what we see on the ground.. we are fortunate to have freedom, albeit with certain rules agreed upon by the society we live in.. and here in the UK the government serves the people.. not BUSINESS.. yes they support business in that because that is in the interests of the people... but here at least business and corporations are ALSO answerable to the people.. so govts they are voted in by the people and voted out by them too.. the labour party was once very pro trade unions which kept busniess in check.. 

    I think when you talk about the nature of power being the desire to dominate the world and no one being truly free but run by big financial corporations you must be talking about America.. i feel very sorry for America if that's the case..  I]ve heard rumours.. but its not for me to say whether America is really like that.. 

    I would remind you that the Brits have never had a deep seated hatred or fear of the RUSSIANS..  UK is not the home of the conspiracy theorists.. it's America who have always been paranoid about the Russians.. perhaps because you are both essentially the same from what YOU say... We always found it faintly silly really the whole utter, fairly odd, reds under the bed  paranoia...

    SO to conclude.. we don't need to read stuff to hate the Russians,. we don't hate them anyway but there is real and logical basis for being very cautious and needing to monitor the situation.. that's just sane... but at least our papers are free and not delivering news made up by corporations.. so that's one thing to be grateful for here :) perhaps we are freer :)

    Ditto Trump.. i can assure you no one told me to hate Trump. The man himself made me hate him.. and my daughter hate him.. and pretty much every Brit i have talked to the same... we listened to his words.. his utterly imbecillic words, words we couldn't believe any intelligent person would fall for, his ignorance that we felt sure no sane, reasoning person would want to follow.... 
      December 17, 2016 1:11 PM MST

  • 1233
    "and here in the UK the government serves the people.. not BUSINESS"

    "but at least our papers are free and not delivering news made up by corporations."

    LOL!!!!!!!!!! London is arguably the center of the new world order. The British government is as vicious as anything.

    "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
      December 18, 2016 3:18 AM MST

  • Ha ha well doesn't that just say it all... conspiracy theorists are so entertaining. the sheer wackiness and absurdity of the crackpot theories is an art in itself... The facts, (remember those things??) are entirely different, with many examples of where the Govt listens to and obeys the people.. erm Brexit for a start... but hey don't let those trifling details truouble you.. I really don't know why I bother trying to engage with people who voted Trump, well other than that it *can* be amusing) because really I have to remember you voted Trump :P
      December 18, 2016 10:55 AM MST

  • 1233
    Sigh... You didn't understand the video I see. I alleged no conspiracy. I never said the establishment were all powerful. They don't always get what they want. I never said the establishment didn't listen to the people.

    My point is that they listen for THEIR benefit not for YOURS. They listen to maintain your loyalty to them. They listen because they recognize that open authoritarianism is counter productive. Most of the time the contents of your head is just what they put there and no threat to them.

    Occasionally people who actually understand the world, like Nigel Farage, mess things up for them. Though Brexit celebration is premature. Brexit is far from complete and the system is moving to undermine it. They're going to try to keep the borders open. That way they can keep breaking down the national identity. Brexit is just one battle in the war against globalism. The U.K. and the rest of the world is still losing that war. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at December 19, 2016 2:15 AM MST
      December 19, 2016 2:12 AM MST

  • I didn't see the video, usually I do always pop along and look, mostly because they tend to add weight to my counter-argument - but on this occasion I didn't have time.. so don't you think it rather strange that you made the assumption i didn't understand it? And you chose to come out insulting? Don't you think that says it all?  

    Lol Nigel Farage as I have said before is a joke, he is universally despised here and NO ONE would even consider letting him represent our country. See we care about how we look/our reputation around the world so we wouldn't want a numby idiot who everyone laughs at representing us...the people who voted Trump obviously don't care and are happy to have the world laugh at them because they have a complete idiot running the country...

    SO as i say.. Farage, (and i have said this before...) is deeply unpopular here, he is NOT an ELECTED member of parliament.  And it is very telling that your friend Trump is the ONLY representative around the world who LIKES HIM .. one wonders why he gets on well with Trump.. the only conclusion we can draw is that they are BOTH IDIOTS and both on the same intellectual level.. 

    Make NO Mistake there is no way in hell we would choose such an idiot who is disrespected deeply to represent our country.... it seems YOU are not so fussy. 

    Your comments about Brexit are ill informed... but then again I have come to expect that.   We are not and never have been fighting globalisation.. Nigel Farage had very little to do with why people voted Brexit, he's a nothing and just seen as a joke, and you clearly have no idea why people voted Brexit OR what will happen, as I say.. you voted Trump and this show in everything you say.
      December 19, 2016 10:24 AM MST

  • 1233
    Can you actually read? I'm really starting to wonder. I never said Nigel Farage was singularly responsible for Brexit. I never said Nigel Farage was popular. Of course the europhiles and leftists hate his guts. Most people wouldn't have the courage to go through that sh*t storm. His thick skin makes him even more worthy of praise.

    Farage and people like him got the job done over the last several decades. UKIP has come from nothing to be the 3rd most supported party in the U.K.. Farage has the support of millions. There wouldn't have been a referendum in the first place without tireless campaigners like him. The UKIP message is what the conservative base really believe. They hesitate to vote UKIP because they don't want their protest to let the leftists in.

    The reason why the British people voted to Brexit is not relevant to what I said. Brexit IS about resisting globalism whether people see that or not.

    Your dislike of Farage simply illustrates your own political blindness. It says nothing about him. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at December 20, 2016 8:36 AM MST
      December 20, 2016 8:27 AM MST

  • 2219
    If it's in the papers, it must be true.....  
      December 19, 2016 5:13 AM MST

  • 46117
    Haven't they done this to us since World War II?

    It is just a little friendly atomic competition.   It will help eliminate global warming and over population.  Look on the bright side.

    Trump for PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 20, 2016 8:44 AM MST
      December 20, 2016 8:39 AM MST