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Is the word "yes" more important than the word "no" merely because it has more letters?

(Humorous answers are the only ones necessary, but if you want to go all Freud on us, have yourself a field day.)

Posted - December 18, 2016


  • 2217
    No is first alphabetically, but you'd be surprised at how many questionnaires and ballot papers put yes first, simply to influence people into giving it priority.
      December 18, 2016 8:46 AM MST

  • 53343
    That's a good point, I've never thought about it but you're absolutely right.  Thanks!
      December 18, 2016 9:10 AM MST

  • It's important to no things in life.   That's why education is important.  
      December 18, 2016 8:53 AM MST

  • 53343
    Eye sea watt ewe did they're. 
      December 18, 2016 9:08 AM MST

  • 6988
    YES tends to induce some sort of action, and NO tends to shut it down.
      December 18, 2016 9:07 AM MST

  • 3523
    The answer is NO and that's important.  Watch Yes Man, the movie, to learn more.
      December 18, 2016 7:49 PM MST