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Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » I hope you're all happy now. I just had a craving for a grilled cheese sandwich, but I hesitated and felt pangs of doubt.

I hope you're all happy now. I just had a craving for a grilled cheese sandwich, but I hesitated and felt pangs of doubt.

Listen, I didn't do anything to her, I don't know where she went or why she left, I'm not responsible for her decision to go, I haven't heard from her, arrrrrgggghhhh!

Can't a guy enjoy a sandwich in peace?

Posted - December 24, 2016


  • 5450
    Umm, Randy, on  December 19, 2016 9:02 AM CST you told us "She left us (me) for another Q&A website (guy).


    Now you're telling us you don't know where she went or why she left.

    We closed the case but now we have to reopen it.
      December 24, 2016 12:53 PM MST

  • 53664
    "We"?  When did you graduate from the detectives' academy, Sherlock?  Hit the brisks, sister, you've got no legal authority here.

      December 24, 2016 8:46 PM MST

  • 5450
    The we is the bad cop and me.  I'm your friend Randy!  Don't make me bring the bad cop in here!

    I can look through a magnifying glass!  That qualifies me to be a detective!

      December 26, 2016 12:41 AM MST