Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » How are AnswerMug Notifications like in-laws and other relatives? Let's list the ways! ~

How are AnswerMug Notifications like in-laws and other relatives? Let's list the ways! ~

1.  They're always there. ALWAYS!

2.  They refuse to be ignored. 

3.  You're damned if you dare try and ignore them, and you're damned if you pay attention to them. 

4.  Some of them you like a lot, others not so much, but either way, why do they come around so often?

5.  Just when you think you've seen them for the last time, there they are, popping up again. 

6. There is no logical order in which they appear.

7.  You're glad that you're the only person who can see yours, and you're doubly glad that you don't have to see anyone else's. 

8.  Clicking "delete" just doesn't work on them. 

9.  That weird one with the tildes seems to be everywhere. Ewwwww.

10. They insist on bringing up topics that you'd rather leave behind. 

11.  Like thorns in your sides, they regurgitate little mistakes you've made in the past. 





Care to chime in?


Posted - December 26, 2016


  • 457
    I rarely see them and when I do, it's usually a meaningless interaction. ;) jk
      December 26, 2016 10:04 PM MST