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If I build my fort on disputed land between you and I and you attack me am I aggressor or defender?

Posted - December 28, 2016


  • 3907
    Hello again,

    The ROOT cause of Hamas, ISIS, Hezbolah, The Muslim Brotherhood, Fatah, Al Quaida and 1,000's of others is the Israli/Palestinian conflict.  If that ISN'T solved, the Middle East will remain a cauldron of murder and mayhem throughout the world..

    Right or wrong, justified or not, building settlements on occupied Palestinian land will NOT solve it.. 

      January 3, 2017 8:41 AM MST

  • 35080
    Then how do you explain Muslim terrorists in the 1700s before Israel before US empiricism before fighting for oil....?
      January 3, 2017 9:10 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, my:
    Please remember that I'm a Jew who has NO LOVE for Arabs.  If I wanted to FIND justification for the conflict, I can.  Instead, I'm looking for justification to SOLVE it.

      January 3, 2017 9:27 AM MST

  • 35080
    I know you are Jewish. I don't see how blaming Israel helps find a solution. The solution is the Arabs in the West Bank/Gaza must agree to Israel right to exist. And actually want peace...this means no more rocket fire into Israel. 
    I don't see how peace comes when the people vote in Hamas a terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
      January 3, 2017 9:50 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, my:

    There's NO blame.. There's only FACTS on the ground, and MY OPINION as to what those facts mean..

    Israel is run by right wing religious fanatics who BELIEVE that, historically and religiously, the disputed land is theirs, and they're gonna TAKE it.  In my view, that means PERPETUAL war, and the US is smack dab in the middle of it..

    Again, you are preaching to the CHOIR.  I don't LIKE the Arabs.. They are NOT deserving of an agreement..  I don't want peace in the Middle East for the ARABS.  I don't even want it for the Jews.. I want peace in the Middle East for AMERICANS..

      January 3, 2017 10:22 AM MST

  • 35080
    I disagree on being run by religious fanatics. If that were the case the first thing they would've done after the 7day war when they had control of the Dome of the Rock would have been destroy it and build the 3rd temple. But instead they have control back to the Muslims. 
      January 3, 2017 10:34 AM MST