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What is the story behind your username?

Maybe it's something random, or something you crucially though about for a whole week, let me know.

Posted - December 31, 2016


  • I love it! Your username is amazing. I'm glad I got to know more about you. I love dragonflies too.
      December 31, 2016 12:06 PM MST

  • My favorite winged creature is the Red-Tailed Hawk. My favorite mythical winged creature is the dragon. Good choice!
      December 31, 2016 12:08 PM MST

  • 23810
    I almost always lose my breath when I see large birds flying in the air. (Even geese - - who people living around me complain a lot about because they're dirty --  but I still find them breathtakingly gorgeous.) If I'm anywhere but in a car driving, I always stop whatever I'm doing and watch large birds of any kind if I see them flying.

    It may be weird but my favorite bird is the crow. Perhaps because I admire them for qualities I "give" to them --  qualities that I don't necessarily own. Crows strike me as incredibly self-assured - - how many times driving does one spy a crow eating some dead animal and the crow looks at you coming toward them, almost defying you to dare get in their way.
    They're raucous to me. Sure, I can be raucous at times but not most of the time.

    I find them built like a football player for some reason. I don't have that type of build but I'd sort of like to. I've been told numerous times that I have a wrestler's build, instead.

    I like the way crows just seem to strut their stuff!

    And, again, to me, there is such beauty to me with large birds in flight.

    I'll stop my rambling here, you WingedWonder!
    :) This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 17, 2017 7:22 AM MST
      December 31, 2016 12:31 PM MST

  • 23810
    That picture is worthy of being matted, framed and put on the wall. Simply beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing that, WingedWonder!
      December 31, 2016 1:08 PM MST

  • 23810
      December 31, 2016 1:36 PM MST

  • 23810
    I should've added  "Thanks!" to my smiles in the other post.
      December 31, 2016 1:42 PM MST

  • 23810
    Oo - oo!!
    A whip?!


      December 31, 2016 1:55 PM MST

  • Dances-In-River. The video game I've been playing heavily for nearly a year now is The Elder Scrolls Online. One of my main characters that I created recently is a male Argonian. For those who aren't familiar with The Elder Scrolls games, an Argonian is a lizard based human. Anyway, I named that character Dances-In-River based on the Argonian naming lore of the game. Here I am!
      December 31, 2016 12:06 PM MST

  • Such a cool Argonian you have. Thank you for sharing.
      December 31, 2016 12:10 PM MST

  • 5614
    Looks Nephilim Reptilian. Did it light its tail on fire? This post was edited by O-uknow at December 31, 2016 12:18 PM MST
      December 31, 2016 12:15 PM MST

  • It kinda looks like it doesn't it. It's just a torch, lol!
      December 31, 2016 12:19 PM MST

  • 5614
    A torch made from the tail of some other creature no doubt.
      December 31, 2016 2:56 PM MST

  • 5614
    Oh, methink you know.
      December 31, 2016 12:13 PM MST

  • 5450
    My first name was available when I signed up so I took it.  Usually it's not available so I have to put a little more thought into a username.
      December 31, 2016 12:31 PM MST

  • 11338
    Many many moons ago nanoose was the word that the First Nation people of Central Vancouver Island used for the word friendly (guess if something wasn't friendly they shook their head well saying nanoose). Anyway I always try to be friendly on social sites so I think it's a good username for me and I'v used it for about 10 years on all the sites that I have been on. Nanoose is also the place that I live in so that is also part of why I use it as a username. Cheers. Happy Weekend and happy New Year!
      December 31, 2016 12:39 PM MST

  • For me it was just a name that felt right..I used it on dating sites for a while.. and I guess it meant that I believe daydreams and dreams in general can come true.. I am, and hopefully always will be, a hopeless optimist - so again that fits with who and how I am.. I believe in the best in people, most people have hidden depths, (lol I must learn that not everyone is good ) 

    I am a romantic.. I believe in love... ok so I learned that not everyone is permitted that in their life, but I still believe in being in love.. so again daydream believer...

    AND a huge part of who i am, or who i always used to be was tied up in Music.. I recall my first few dating site blogs mentioned that music was as essential to me as air - and I am a huge lyrics nut.. words matter to me and somehow when they are set to music that makes the words all the more powerful... and I guess few failed to notice that my name is also the lyrics of a song... so again it seemed the perfect choice for me :)

    The last part of the name is new.. and no prizes for guessing why that came about.. I was on the phone to a fab American friend last night... I've known her over 20 years.. and neither of us can believe that anything as awful as Trump even stood as a candidate let alone won... And I told her of how my new passion in life is despising Trump...  I truly despise him with every fibre in my body.. I care about America, about people.. and I KNOW with every ounce of my body and mind that Trump will only harm America further... so when i had the chance to express that within my name.. I did :) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 17, 2017 7:23 AM MST
      December 31, 2016 1:08 PM MST

  • I thought it meant you were a Monkees fan. :)
      January 17, 2017 7:23 AM MST

  • 5808
    My spiritual name
    Anandji Baba
    means happy baba.
    everyone called me baba in India
    so it sort of stuck.
    (Everyone is called baba
    in India as well (Guys that is) haha
    just a generic term for 
    father, friend etc.

      December 31, 2016 1:32 PM MST

  • Well, my name's Nevan, and my last name begins with B. And that's pretty much it :)

      December 31, 2016 1:40 PM MST

  • 2960
    I have become boring.
      December 31, 2016 1:58 PM MST

  • It's short for Glispix.
      December 31, 2016 2:03 PM MST

  • 1128
    My username SA, are initials to a nickname that a very good friend who died of cancer gave me.  He and I were on another site. I would respond to his poetry, giving him encouragement for his beautiful work.  He called me SuperA or Super Angel, because many times during the last years of life, I tried to keep his spirits up. 
    It will be 3 years since he lost his fight with cancer this coming year.  This post was edited by SA (SuperA) at January 17, 2017 7:21 AM MST
      December 31, 2016 2:13 PM MST

  • A fine tribute to him and a lovely username
      December 31, 2016 2:59 PM MST

  • 1128
    Thank you. 
      December 31, 2016 3:07 PM MST