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How has your new year gone so far?

I know it's day 2, but a lot could happen in a day.

Posted - January 2, 2017


  • 2960
    Furnace is broken and/or needs replaced. So, yeah. My house continues to kill me.
      January 2, 2017 11:14 AM MST

  • Hopefully it gets fixed, and you'll be okay.
      January 2, 2017 11:22 AM MST

  • 2960
    It will be a struggle. I don't know why it takes so long to get something fixed (correctly).
      January 2, 2017 12:19 PM MST

  • I had the same problem. Hoping for the best, keep me updated on what happens
      January 2, 2017 12:51 PM MST

  • It's alright I guess. Started off the early hours of the 1st third-wheeling with an arguing couple, so that was shit. Things have improved since then, though. 
      January 2, 2017 11:15 AM MST

  • I've been in your shoes. It gets better.
      January 2, 2017 11:22 AM MST

  • 44528
    Buckeyes lost and two cleaning jobs today. The usual. The Twilight Zone marathon is pretty cool though. This post was edited by Element 99 at January 2, 2017 1:08 PM MST
      January 2, 2017 11:21 AM MST

  • Hey doesn't sound too bad. There are better days to come.
      January 2, 2017 11:23 AM MST

  • 5808
    supposed to work today...
    so far I have done nothing. haha
      January 2, 2017 11:25 AM MST

  • Rest while you can lol.
      January 2, 2017 12:52 PM MST

  • 326
    box of birds...urs ?
      January 2, 2017 11:27 AM MST

  • Well I've not been well :( but just getting on with things.. nipped out to see if I could bag some bargains in the sales.. came home had a good idea about putting something away in a cupboard that I'd recently cleaned out, which will make things a bit tidier... 

    To tell the truth.. it hardly feels like a new year.. feels the same as always.. no different.... 
      January 2, 2017 12:14 PM MST

  • Hopefully things change, keep your head up.
      January 2, 2017 12:53 PM MST

  • Was good, didn't do much though, good.
      January 2, 2017 1:08 PM MST

  • 2217
    Not really started yet, but I did entertain those who had recovered sufficiently from Hogmanay to attend Church on the organ.
      January 2, 2017 1:12 PM MST

  • 5614
    Already Monday and at this rate the week will be over soon and if the week is any indication so will the year.
      January 2, 2017 1:30 PM MST

  • 22891
    boring since noone ever invites me over for it
      January 2, 2017 1:39 PM MST
  • .

    I'm debating on whether to go to emergency or not.  Can't breathe, a pushing sensation on my chest.
    My color is good, hands and feet are warm but fingernails are a little white, no fever, blood pressure is great, just can't breathe.  Nausea yesterday chills the day before, but not really sick.  I think I'll be ok staying home, I already owe them money. 

    This post was edited by . at January 2, 2017 1:49 PM MST
      January 2, 2017 1:45 PM MST