Why yes, I built my shallow pond out back in 1998. Since then, it has filled up with frogs and an occasional garter snake. During frog mating season, the guys hang on to the gals waiting for a turn, sometimes 3-4 at a time. I guess they only get a chance once per year.
Whoa. You actually pondered about all of this at once or did in come to you as if in a dream in sequential sections bh? Thank you for your reply and the information. I can honestly say I would never have known about this elsewise. Happy Monday! :)
Perfect honey! Jim just saw this as well and giggled as did I. Truer words were never spoke by man nor beast nor anything in-between! Mahalo for your reply OS and the great cat graphic. I see a paw holding up the chin as pondering cat is thinking how best to get attention! Is this a real picture? Happy Monday! :)