Discussion»Questions»Politics» Should we have a "safety net" for only those that worked hard "enough, but not really *that much* of a safety net because I gotta get mines?
I personally think the employers should get a tax when they have employees who they do not pay a decent wage. And the minimum wage is not the answer. So many businesses have 50 workers who they give 2-6 hrs a day when they really only need 20 full time workers. The way it is now the CEOs are supplemented by welfare. The gov is paying for the workers wage so the CEO gets millions in bonuses. Disgraceful.
But back to the safety net, work/school should be a requirement just as was passed by Pres Clinton in the 1990s.
Yes. Whether you're ditch digger or Walmart stockroom person, you should be able to live a decent life. Then you have to argue what a decent life is. This is where agreement cannot be found.