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Copied From A Website

Website Comment.

I listened as they called my President a Muslim.

I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can. Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule. Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's. I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.

Posted - January 15, 2017


  • 7280

    It works for me, starting in the middle with the line "I will not."..

    But not in the sense of "turn about is fair play."..

    Rather because it is the appropriate thing to do now based on what has been elected as our next president.
      January 15, 2017 12:27 PM MST

  • 6124
    Louie, thanks for sharing that.  Do you know what website this came from?  Can you post it?  I want to send a link to a friend.  Thanks.
      January 15, 2017 12:29 PM MST

  • 6124
    Never mind Louie.  Just found it.  The author is Jeremy Mitchell.
      January 15, 2017 12:32 PM MST

  • 5808
    yeah I like it
      January 15, 2017 12:40 PM MST

  • Absolutely! That's exactly how I feel 

    I *lost* a facebook friend last night..I'd known her over 20 years.. she posted an utterly nutso right-wing *leftist* conspiracy theory vid that spouted utter nonsense that you'd have to have your brain fall out to believe...    A friend said I should calm down, that some things are more important than hating Trump.. but see, I cannot be friends with, or respect anyone, who condones and tries to make excuses for a man who is a racist, misogynist hater...  It's a matter of principle...I cannot condone or forgive anyone that excuses his vileness.

    Only Trump could make me get rid of a friend of that length of time.. that just shows how divisive he is... yes, it's wrong to lose a friend over politics but it's even worse to condone a man who has said so many evil hate-fueled things. 
      January 15, 2017 12:41 PM MST

  • 372
    Well said. I'm having the same difficulty with some "friends".
      January 15, 2017 12:53 PM MST

  • 17641
    Oh boo hoo.  What president doesn't get questioned and called names?  Nothing in the meme (which I saw on FB) rises to the level of absurdity that we are seeing from the socialist movement, aka progressive liberals.  The real Democrats are embarrassed by it. But their party has been hijacked.   
      January 15, 2017 1:40 PM MST

  • Ahh an updated version of reds under the beds conspiracy theory.. dontcha just love it.  Now the buzz word apparently is leftist or libtard.. well I suppose you have to blame someone... better than looking inward eh?  

    Anyway the point was, oh lover of freedom of speech and people not being so sensitive.. every time a Trump disbeliever talks or expresses concern the Trumpetites get insane mad and start throwing insults.. they were happy to open their trap to insult others but woe betide anyone say anything about their beloved tin pot loony leader Trump

    FWIW sane people don't go around accusing anyone and everyone who disagrees with Trump of being left.. it's kinda loopy just saying
      January 15, 2017 1:53 PM MST

  • 2500

    You're so funny!  

    You mockingly point to "reds under the beds" while displaying extreme visceral hatred for Trump based on what? Things he MIGHT do after being sworn. Talk about fearing an imaginary enemy under the bed! Do you still sleep with a nightlight and a security blanket?

    And then there's the violent, dare I say rabid propensities of "the left" towards the President Elect. I don't believe that I saw anyone advocating the assignation of Hillary before the election. But you don't have to look any farther than this very WEB site to find people wishing that fate for for Mr. Trump. What is wrong with those people? Are they REALLY that mentally disturbed?

    And I find it more than casually amusing that so many are railing about the possibility that the Russians influenced our election in some way to Mr. Trump's favor. Yet I remember before the election that many outsiders tried like hell to influence the elections in Hillary's favor. In fact, even after the election some rogue former MI-6 operative was trying to spread unverified negative information about Mr. Trump. (Isn't MI-6 British? Hmmm . . . )

    Seem that the "tin-pot loonies" are really the ones trying to find all the evil in the world at Mr. Trump's doorstep. They're not the ones that point out that malfeasance in those "sore losers".

      January 15, 2017 2:38 PM MST

  • Based on the fact that the man spouts vile obnoxious racist, misogynist  etc etc etc etc etc comments... that he TALKS like an ill-educated village idiot.. which makes it hard to see how anyone with any sense voted for him.. that he is against climate change, which poses a very real threat to the world, and is plain selfish, that he has a worrying link to the Russians who seem to be using him as their own puppet and there are real, concerns that Russia seeks to weaken or destroy Nato, which posses a threat to many..  That Trump clearly LIES - says things then says he didnt - when they are on film.. That he pretended to be all buddy buddy with the UK harping on about the special relationship and promising deals then turns round and says to Europe that they should take advantage of our Brexit and STEAL trade from us..two faces assole or what?  

    SHall I go on???> How big a list do you need?? Have you not read a single word I have said? I have explained it often enough!!!  

    I hate him because he is incompetant.. that's been proven by how he has already made so many enemies and pissed off loads of other countries already..  I hate him most of all because he is a greedy selfish narcissist who will not hesitate to take advantage and trample the idiots who voted for him.. he has NO respect for them.. they are stupid to think he does... I hate him because he will NOT make America great.. he shows every sign, read above, of doing exactly the opposite.. He clearly has his own interests and power trip on the agenda.. I hate him because his stupid plans are unrealistic and make him and America look stupid...  oh and i Hate him because of the hatred he has spread across America and how he has divided people.. 

    as i say how many reasons do you want.??? I am sure I have omitted a load there... more fool you if you cannot see any of these things.

    The dossier, which if you had read anything other than the oversimplistic hype that supports your view has NOT Been disproven.. it was an unfinished document.. one that didn't claim to be finished.. which contained a number of unverified points.. but also contains things that CAN be verified.. the guy who wrote it.. as you would know if you weren't so... er..  easily led is NOT MI6 but he IS respected and he stands by the majority of the contents.. which was a gathering of information.. some of which is untrue, others which are likely to be true....  more fool you for thinking your beloved leader is off the hook...  PS you do know what unverified means yes?? that it hasn't been verified.. not that it cannot be.. just that it hasnt as yet... 

    BTW one of my biggest bug bears about the loonytunes defenders of Trump is that whenever they disagree and comment.. they don't engage in reasoned debate... they spout idiotic illogic...  like you refer to ME as a sore loser?????> what????? erm... cough splutter .. need I say more??????? 

    as to the personal comment.. they are unwarranted.. and inappropriate..  I can promise you you wouldnt say them to my face... it's only that you are a keyboard warrior and feel safe... please refrain from personal insults.. they show you do not have a valid argument

    I stand by comments that it's illogical to call anyone and everyone who disagrees with your beloved leader  a lefty and engage in right wing conspiracy diatribe..  just further makes them look unstable.. 
      January 15, 2017 3:13 PM MST

  • 2500
    Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . oh, you really are a "hoot".

    "They" said all the same stuff about Reagan as you're saying about Trump, by the way. But a person should be judged by what they do, not by what they say in the passion of the moment. "They" haven't caught on to that yet, apparently. And when Trump talks like an "ill-educated village idiot" perhaps he's only trying to reach the "Theys" out there? He did after all say that he would be everyones President (unlike Obama, who said something to the effect of "you lost; you still can ride the buss, just in the back" to the Republicans).

    Your "points' beyond that are just your imagination, no real substance to back anything that you seem to believe. Things like Trump lying. He may be prone to grandiose political rhetoric but Trump's little "white lies" (hope that's not racist to say, "white lies") are amusing and entertaining, so far. He's not the one that said "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor". That whopper and many of his other not so benign lies hit a LOT of middle class USA squarely in the pocketbook, and not in a good way. In fact, that malfeasance from Trump's soon-to-be-predecessor and that predecessor's first-term Secretary of State's are, in big part, why he won the election and Hillary lost. (Most people that I know voted against Hillary, not for Trump.) 

    Not sure what you talking about with Brexit either. The British economy is reportedly BOOMING since that happened. Perhaps you've been living under a rock?

    As to the alleged dossier . . . it wasn't even that much. You say it's not "finished", after how many years in the making? So if the "author" couldn't manage to put sufficient facts together to make a real case (after how many years?) then the next best thing to do is release the fiction at the right time to try to influence "the (unthinking) masses" Unlike with Russia (feeble attempts at actual influence, just wanted to get a heads-up on the way things were progressing, who might win, if I had to bet) that "dossier" is clearly an attempt to influence the USA's governmental processes.

    And I do tend to gloss over bloviation not based in fact so I probably don't look at most of what you write. When my BS meter is pegged I just disregard.

    By the way, one of my biggest "bug bears" (whatever that is) are people that hate the USA so much that they try to disingenuously meddle in our affairs, especially when we've been their staunch, unwaivering allies in the past. With a potential enemy you expect that, but coming from an ally? (Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer, as they say . . . ) Personally, I think we should leave the rest of the world to it's own rather that selflessly defending other nations with our money and our lives; but at least we saved the "good" people of Britain the pain of having to learn how to conjugate German verbs a few years back.

    And what personal comments did I make? Unlike you towards me in another thread I didn't make any personal comments towards you. Perhaps you can let me know the comments I made that you find to be so personally insulting? Although I do find it somewhat unnerving that you appear to be threating violence against me should we ever meet fact-to-face, not that that's likely to happen. Still, that might be fun, actually. My guess is that you're the "keyboard warrior", a paper tiger in real life. Or maybe you would try to kill me because I don't buy your line.
      January 15, 2017 4:18 PM MST

  • She's also not an American. 
      January 17, 2017 4:06 AM MST

  • 17641
    Hi S& x 10!
      January 15, 2017 5:47 PM MST

  • I've seen more hatred and insults from the liberals than I have from anyone else. Saying just one positive thing, or anything really, about Trump can set them off into an insulting, name calling tirade. Rosie O'Donnell has called for martial law, where is the logic in that? 
      January 15, 2017 3:22 PM MST

  • I can only guess it's a matter of perspective.. i have seen the opposite.. and I am no liberal or a lefty.. but I've lost count of how many times i have had insults thrown at me..  Before the election I heard trumpet fans issue death threats.. I saw them act like rabid dogs accusing Hilary of everything under the sun.. bear in mind I don't support Hilary either but I have been accused of that too.. It's totally illogical!!

    Logic then must lie in the fact that you haven't seen it because you are one who says supportive or positive things about Trump.. so you wont see the other side.. I lost a friend last night over trump.. and what was worse was that other people I knew, were friends of sorts, waded in to attack me.. all totally illiogical... 

      January 15, 2017 3:33 PM MST

  • I don't exactly claim to be a Trump supporter. There are a LOT of things about him that I don't like. He's been elected and I support my country. A lot of things said about him have turned out to be false, and a lot have turned out to be true, either way, he's still going to be our president. I am neither democrat nor Republican, but the way some Dems are acting, I may be pushed into being a Rep. Riots, violence,  and spreading false rumors are NOT the way to go about dealing with the fact that Hillary didn't win. 
      January 15, 2017 3:48 PM MST

  • Great post..  thank you
      January 15, 2017 2:40 PM MST

  • 5835
    We have this prophecy we call Armageddon. The USA is prominently absent from the story. The country must collapse and become helpless before then. You are seeing prophecy being fulfilled as you watch. And it seems like the finest logic to the people who bring about the collapse.
      January 15, 2017 3:18 PM MST

  • 2658

    Luke 17:26
    Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man:
      January 15, 2017 4:55 PM MST

  • 34943
    I believe the Great Eagle in Rev 12 is in fact the USA protecting Israel in the end time.
      January 17, 2017 4:37 AM MST

  • 22891
    sometimes i wish people would stop putting them down like that
      January 15, 2017 3:22 PM MST

  • 5835
    People tend to think the battle is between liberals and conservatives. It's not. It's between centralized government and individuals. For instance, many nations have removed large denominations of paper money from circulation, and in the USA you have to have government permission to buy a money order for a thousand bux. They are making it very difficult for individuals to use money without routing it through a bank somewhere. That prepares the world for the prophecy mentioned in Revelation 13:17
      January 16, 2017 11:00 PM MST