Discussion » Questions » Politics » Are term limits anti American and sour grapes? The only way losers can stop winners from winning?

Are term limits anti American and sour grapes? The only way losers can stop winners from winning?

If not anti American then anti Democracy.

Posted - January 22, 2017


  • Maybe. FDR seemed to think so. 
      January 22, 2017 11:22 AM MST

  • 1615
    It works both ways, If Clinton won it would have been a third term for Obama, since Hillary said she was going to  continue his policies,that's exactly why she lost , one more term with his policies would have been disastrous for the country, every thinking person knew it and kicked the Democrats out. 
      January 22, 2017 11:36 AM MST

  • 13277
    No. Term limits only mean that President Obama couldn't run again. They only pertain to a candidate, not specific ideas or policies. Hillary was running as a separate person and lost the election in her own right. You should try not to confuse terms and their definitions.
      January 22, 2017 11:59 AM MST

  • 1615
    You missed my point, Clinton said she was continuing Obama's policy's so in effect it would be like A THIRD TERM FOR HIM. that's why she lost.
      January 23, 2017 1:07 PM MST

  • 13277
    That was part of the picture. It's not that simple - candidates win and lose for many reasons.
      January 23, 2017 1:19 PM MST

  • Welll to be fair the majority of Americans who voted, voted for Hilary.. just saying
      January 22, 2017 1:02 PM MST

  • 13277
    True, but that was mainly due to her racking up big majorities in California and New York. It didn't help in the Electoral College.
      January 22, 2017 3:10 PM MST

  • 17641
    No.  They aren't anti anything other than professional life-long career politicians.  God knows, we don't need them in Congress for a lifetime.  Even when I was working for a large company, our headquarters was made of up of people serving two-year stints in those jobs.  Sometimes they were extended a bit but in general the state from which each employee came continued to pay his or her salary so they wanted him or her back on time.  People knew it was an "opportunity" so made the most of it.  I want term limits for Congress.  I also want them to have to serve the full term to get a full retirement package.  If they serve 30% of their term, that is what their retirement package should be.  And with term limits, the retirement packages should be greatly reduced from what they are now.   
      January 22, 2017 11:57 AM MST

  • To be honest.. I am not sure!  The term limit thing is specific to America... there may, or may not be others who have a similar system.. I don't know but speaking personally -  I have always thought it peculiar... illogical... if someone is popular enough to be voted in 20 times than that is the will of the people.. the people have spoken..  if he or she is not popular then no worries as their term will end anyway.. 

    I tend to agree with you therefore.. it seems rather anti-democracy as in theory you are not giving people that choice... who knows whether Obama would have got in again.. I am led to believe Hilary was deeply unpopular...so maybe ...
      January 22, 2017 1:06 PM MST

  • Because if they hold office for too long they can fill up cabinets and Judge positions which would undermine the system of checks and balances.   The Executive branch could too easily make the whole system work in his favor and hold all the power because he filled it with his cronies.
      January 22, 2017 3:40 PM MST

  • 283
    I have no problem with term limits. It curtails some of the buddy system. People complain about no changes in Washington yet they don't want to vote out the cronies who have been there forever.
      January 22, 2017 3:27 PM MST