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Would you please post an example of what a loaded question is? Thank you. ~

Posted - January 22, 2017


  • 17261
    Oh. Not needed. You will find plenty of them by looking up the question board here. I've posted a few myself through my stay here, too.
      January 22, 2017 12:28 PM MST

  • 53414
      January 22, 2017 12:33 PM MST

  • 17261
      January 22, 2017 12:41 PM MST

  • 53414
    I'm just joking. 
    With your wit and humor, I would have expected more, but I understand if you don't want to answer. It's your right. 
      January 22, 2017 12:51 PM MST

  • 46117
    They cannot be created.  They just happen.

    Let's see.  I can take from the vast pile of crap that has spewed from the President of the United States?

    Don't you think it would be a good idea to build a wall to keep out the evil Mexicant's?

      January 22, 2017 12:42 PM MST

  • 53414
    What kind of tripe is "they cannot be created"?  They're created daily. 
      January 22, 2017 12:52 PM MST

  • 46117
    What was created first, the idea or the question?  Do people start out loaded?  Or does the question form as one after other people read it and decide that is what it is?

    I just smoked a bowl.  Very loaded question.
      January 22, 2017 1:06 PM MST

  • 44553
    And I thought you quit.
      January 22, 2017 2:49 PM MST

  • 53414
    That's what I thought too. 

      January 23, 2017 8:10 PM MST

  • The classic, of course, is, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It's a trap for the unwary. 
    But loaded statements are much more fun. I loved Dorothy Parker's, "That woman can speak six different languages and doesn't know how to say 'No' any of them."

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 23, 2017 12:23 AM MST
      January 22, 2017 12:45 PM MST

  • Hey... Not fair.. I was going to say that! ... Are you familiar with the word plagiarism, hmmm?
      January 22, 2017 2:26 PM MST

  • It was invented for people like me. 

    I used to write a column for the South Pacific Square Dance Review and a guy in Western Ausrralia liked it so much that he republished it in his own newsletter. The editor wanted me to sort him out but I didn't me. He could hardly have paid a better compliment than to steal my columns.
      January 22, 2017 4:41 PM MST

  • What's the old saying ... At school it's plagirism, in academia it's research.
    And I agree with you re the compliment ... It's nice when your ego doesn't get in the way :)
      January 22, 2017 7:33 PM MST

  • Come back tomorrow between 8am and 12pm EST.  
      January 22, 2017 12:54 PM MST

  • Yes I can post example. " Are you drunk or listening to Chicago?"
      January 22, 2017 2:24 PM MST

  • Usually and never.
      January 22, 2017 2:35 PM MST

  • Come on ..... You really don't listen sappy 80's love songs ? evèr never ?
      January 22, 2017 2:37 PM MST

  • The letter E hates me cos it wants an accent .... That's fine. 
      January 22, 2017 2:38 PM MST

  • I try not to anyways.
      January 22, 2017 2:42 PM MST

  • 44553
    The question must have lots of butter, sour cream, cheese, chopped onion and bacon bits to be fully loaded.
      January 22, 2017 2:51 PM MST

  • And served in taco shells? 
      January 22, 2017 4:43 PM MST

  • 6988
    The Smith & Wesson 357 Magnum is the most powerful handgun in the world. From here it could blow your head clean off, but the question is; do you feel lucky?  Well, do ya, punk?  (Clint Eastwood) 
      January 22, 2017 3:24 PM MST

  • That one is definitely loaded. :)
      January 22, 2017 4:44 PM MST

  • 2515
    Have you stopped beating your wife? 
      January 22, 2017 5:01 PM MST