Discussion»Questions»Humor and Jokes» Have you ever known someone who smiled once and didn't like it? If you pulled a smile out of said person could it be considered torture?
I recall meeting a customer I waited on every morning between 7:00 and 7:30 AM every morning in a bar on a Saturday night. She stared at me for the longest time before realizing who I was. Once she did, she said, "You are soooo different..." Well, DUH...context is everything, I am still sleepwalking at 7-7:30 AM. :)
I work with a guy, that if you crack a funny, he focuses on anything you may mispronounce, rather than the funny. He has no sense of humor at all & never smiles, so rather than get annoyed with him, I simply point at him & burst into hysterical laughter, he thinks I'm deranged... he may be right!!!