Discussion»Questions»Politics» Do you hope as I do president Trump will take a serious look at our dependency on the electric grid system and seek to eliminate our depende
It would shock me if tRump messed with it since it is a matter of 'free enterprise'. In the last few years, I've seen electric company employees working to improve things to prevent problems. In fact, I asked some of their tree guys over to cut down a menacing tree on my property. The tree was going to overgrow some nearby power lines. I really hated to see it go, but I knew it would be a problem someday. I couldn't cut it with my chainsaw because it would fall onto a powerline.
I hope he takes a look at the Veterans administration. Additionally, social security realizing that there has not been an increase for at least 3 years. Obama was too busy giving away money instead of supporting folks at home like the Veterans and senior citizens.
.3% on Social Security? I'm on social security and did not receive an increase in 2016. more fake news! I stand corrected on the Veterans $$. Perhaps Trump can drain that swamp and insure the money is put to good use. Until now there hasn't been accountability.
We need to be making some noise, well, those of us who want net neutrality. Trumps new FCC head is not a friend to it. He thinks broadband providers and data sold through wireless companies should not be regulated as telecommunication providers thereby allowing them to offer "tiers" of internet access as well as use throttling. He does not think the companies should have to offer broadband at $XX for unlimited access for a flat rate. I'm retired from AT&T and I know they are just peeing all over themselves from joy.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at January 29, 2017 1:22 AM MST