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Is there ever a reason to hit a woman?


Is there ever a time or a situation that would merit striking a.woman? Are there women out there that hide behind being women to act up and try to get away with things.that nobody else could get away with.
Can we expand that further?

Are there people who use being women, or aged,  or handicapped, as a license to be nasty and rude?

Or . .  

No. Never, we should recognize that they are weaker and if no understanding is possible, we should walk away. Anything else makes us Bullies.


Posted - January 29, 2017


  • There it is right there.
    If it's rude enough for a man to get smacked, then, in the spirit of equality, we should not keep women from reaping the same rewards .  Im not being duplicitous, btw. 
      February 1, 2017 11:11 AM MST

  • As much as I say you are.not, I're right. Thanks Bay.
      January 29, 2017 3:32 PM MST

  •           "Not that I can think of."
    (well, maybe, if you're another woman)

      January 29, 2017 1:17 PM MST

  • yep, if women want to beat each other in MMA, boxing or catfights, etc, then they should have at it. There's no excuse for a man to hit a woman. 
      January 29, 2017 4:05 PM MST

  • 7809
    I can't think of one reason. Even if she's my ex-wife. This post was edited by Zack at January 29, 2017 3:07 PM MST
      January 29, 2017 1:21 PM MST

  • Thanks Z. Great answer.
      January 29, 2017 3:36 PM MST

  • I think Bill Burr humorously nailed it on the head.
    Is there a reason?   Sure.   There can  always be a reason,  you just don't do it.   It's  wrong.  Just because you may have a reason it doesn't justify you doing it or change the fact that it is wrong to do.

    That said if a chick like Meisha Tate or Rohnda Rousy closes their fist at me I'm swinging in a  futile attempt to resist them kicking my a** all over the place.
      January 29, 2017 1:23 PM MST

  • Interesting question... deserves a full answer

    I wouldn't say it's never wrong.. if she were hitting you, or a child, or a dog then you would be justified, I believe in restraining or even hitting back.. BUT you should remember that as a man you are likely to hit harder than she can.. so even if she is hitting you and you want to slap her back to remind her it's not nice then you SHOULD use restraint in how hard you hit and how many times.  

    The fact men are usually stronger than women is a given. 

    We've talked about BDSM before too.. that is consensual and provided the woman isn't *conditioned to accept being mistreated by ill treatment and provided it remains her wish then that's sorta ok.

    I do worry tho when you say acting up.. and being rude.. sooo are you saying that if someone in the street is rude to you that you are justified in taking action and hitting him.. or her.. would you be more or less likely to hit a man? Knowing that a man is likely to be able to hit as hard as you? Or would you only hit a weedy nerd of a man? or only women? I am asking these things as reflection.. to reflect.. if one only hit people weaker than you then that would be an abuse and wrong. 

    I ask this because.. my fav debate/bug bear is re free speech and I say.. it's wrong to insult or belittle people on grounds of race, sex, religion, etc..  others disagree but the thing is.. I say.. if someone did that to me, and they wouldn't see reason then I'd punch their lights out.. I've had people say to me that that would put me in the wrong.. and I do see that point.. that one should NOT hit someone, as in use physical violence just cos someone said something we didn't like...

    SO I guess my answer is... most times NO it's not ok.. unless within a fully consensual BDSM relationship where the hits are welcomed or enjoyed or wanted, and in a specific place and strength agreed. 

    I don't think a man should hit a woman for just saying something he didn't like.. or put it this way, this woman would a) hit back AND b) leave his butt. IF he hit me harder and caused more damage I WOULD go to the police. 
      January 29, 2017 1:24 PM MST

  • You bring up really good.points. the.nerdy man comment. To.that.I.say, Exactly. I credit to.someone telling., I don't hit women, but goes.around beating on weaker men. 
    So the whole question is different then.
    Would you hit.a weaker person that is obviously at a physical disadvantage? Yeah?
    I see no different in hitting a.weaker person, man, woman ,or child. 
    If somebody crosses my "you're about to get me a little upset" line, I would feel man or woman equally deserving.
    On the wronglyness of it. I dint answer. Sometimes I feel like words should never provoke violence. Sometimes I feel, like , "aren't screamed words and hurtful attacks violence themselves?"
    Should somebody going.around miserable to others expect that somebody may not
    My mind is.stuck there. Hence.the.question.
    Thanks Day. Great answer.
      January 29, 2017 3:56 PM MST

  • Interesting reply and, I appreciated your honesty there.  Yes. it's a dilemma. 

    You didn't answer tho.. would you equally hit a man twice your size?  And this is a personal reflection thing.. I love when we think about ourselves and our own motives.. Very often the things we do can be called into question... 

    I do think in my own mind that the fact that someone is weaker and inherently less able to fight back makes a difference.. a child is less able to defend themselves either verbally or physically so it seems wrong... But at the same time if the child were strangling a cat or hitting an old lady... I probably would.. if only to gain control to stop the thing the child were doing..

    I've actually never had to hit anyone.. I KNOW I would if needed.. but have never been in that position so far.. and like I said I could forsee an occasion when words could provoke that.. actions even more so.. someone hurting an animal, I'd try to use words but if they failed I am going to use my anger another way.. Not saying it's right.. it kinda isn't but we are all after all human.
      January 29, 2017 4:19 PM MST

  • To be completely honest with you, a smaller guy would have a better chance against me than a bigger guy. The bigger dude I may feel intimidated by, since I feel he could hurt me. So I wouldn't give, or try to not give, him a chance. 
    I would try to talk to the little guy, but the bigger guy, I don't know, I don't think I'd feel comfortable talking and giving him a chance to hurt me first. I hope that makes sense.

    On the child thing, of course. You know my stance on that. But see, even though I never have, nor would, Oh man, sometimes I see kids that make me want to mind on that.

      January 29, 2017 4:56 PM MST

  • The sex and conditioning / consent thing is interesting, isn't it. 
      January 31, 2017 3:35 AM MST

  • 2658
    I'll say that I'd never initiate the hitting, but I won't say conclusively what I would do in self-defense.

    Hitting a woman, if ever, would have to be under extreme circumstances.  I've never (to date) hit a woman. This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at January 29, 2017 3:07 PM MST
      January 29, 2017 1:43 PM MST

  • Would you hit a man? Is it because she's a woman only?
    That's another thing. If a guy starts going off about my daughter in a really bad way, I may feel compelled to stop him, decidedly.
    If women want equality, shouldn't they be allowed the same reward given to a smart ass man?
      January 29, 2017 9:13 PM MST

  • 2658
    Yes, it is because of her being a woman.  We stand united as far as the daughter goes. 

    I take the fifth (5) on the equality question.

      January 30, 2017 7:27 AM MST

  • 22891
    no, theres never a reason to hit anyone no matter who they are
      January 29, 2017 2:16 PM MST

  • Thank you pearl. Your answers are always incisive and to the point. Thank you.
      January 29, 2017 4:08 PM MST

  • 35073
    No. A man generally is stronger than a woman. He can defend himself without hitting. And if that happens too much he should leave her.
      January 29, 2017 2:34 PM MST

  • I know you are right My2.
      January 29, 2017 3:57 PM MST

  • 372
    Not to discipline, but as a matter of self-defense of yourself or others, sure. That may be the only way to stop her.

    It's true that some women will use their womanhood to get away with things they otherwise would not get away with, but that can be seen as simply using a tactic available to the weaker party. An evolutionary mechanism enabling a woman to cope in certain situations. Evolutionary mechanisms for men include denser bone structure and larger musculature.

      January 29, 2017 3:05 PM MST

  • You truly believe that there are not people out there, that use their perceived weakness to deliberately provoke and incite, knowing that no retribution could be brought down upon them? 
    Do you not think it may be.done on purpose? Sorta, like when you see people say, "what are you going to do, you gonna hit a.woman?"
    You know what.I.mean?
      January 29, 2017 3:41 PM MST

  • I agree with your first sentence tho. That's.what I think. Although I may be.tempted to grab her elbow or.something. if she.went too far. You know a " what's.wrong.with you kind of.thing" 
      January 29, 2017 3:44 PM MST

  • 1523
      January 29, 2017 5:44 PM MST

  • That's as straight as anybody can get.
    Thank you M.
      January 29, 2017 9:15 PM MST

  • 496
    I can only speak for myself, and what I do.
    I am married, and have always had many guy friends. I've told every one of them if I ever go crazy and physically assault you, you have my permission to hit me back. I personally believe that If I'm crazed enough to hit them, that I'd deserve it back. No whining about it, no going to the cops. Take what I've given out.
    With that being said, I have never hit any of them. Maybe knowing that they've been given permission to retaliate has given me pause, maybe we all respect each other so much that we don't go there.
    I never spanked my kids, but they were taught to defend themselves. I picked up one of my boys who was suspended for giving his best friend a black eye for hitting his girlfriend. I did not punish him for doing so.
    I had a relative who is a 2nd degree black belt, who would goad her husband into beating her. She loved the attention. He would not hit her and she'd beat him until he did.
    So, my position is that circumstances are so complicated that a absolute yes or no does not always suffice.
      January 29, 2017 5:49 PM MST