Rosie is a warm-blooded, socially-concerned American lady who, before the Trump phenomenon, was fond of discussing Omar Khayyam and Roger Federer. I like her.
Randy D, on the other hand, is not human at all. He is a malicious computer virus fed into this otherwise fine site by the owners of Blurtit who are trying to coerce all their lost members to return to the fold. It ain't gonna work, Randy. I like it here. Now, take a deep breath and hold it: I'm just about to run Malwarebytes and eradicate you. Where would you like the ashes to be scattered?
Not at all. The only similarity that I can find between Rosie G and Randy D is that they both have five letters in their first name which begins with an R. I would elaborate on their differences, but it would be against my principles to give either one of them a compliment. (I'm not saying which one would get the compliment).