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The older we get the more we lose. People. Opportunities. Health. Even so getting old is better than the alternative. When isn't it?

Posted - February 13, 2017


  • 13395
    When I was about 11 - 12 year old I had one of those 'near death experiences' -like floating through a long narrow room , seeing all of my past life from present to infancy. The end of the room was no wall but seemed like an exit to the point of no return;  kind of a twilight zone I could not see beyond. Anyway I was resiscutated from near drowning just in time.

    Years later I had a dream that I did pass the point of no return -the sensation I felt was like 'coming home'. A feeling from my deep subconscious was 'I always knew'  ..'this is where I belong' .. free of my earthly mind, brain and body; like perhaps existence before my life began and after life ends.

    A different dimension of existence,  different dimension of awareness.  If my dream was meaningful at all the 'afterlife' seems like a pretty good prospect to look forward to.

    But 'course make the most and best of your existence while you are on this Earth! 
      February 13, 2017 6:52 AM MST

  • 22891
    i think theres advantages to getting older, im having a hard time cause im living on no income, and cant get ssi and welfare only helps so much if youre single, no cash , just food stamps and medicaid, i went to school just so i can get grants, but now im not doing good there so not sure how long i can keep that up, right now someone has been interested in hiring me so i might take it, handing out samples in stores. but sometimes i think, im 56 right now, if i had been 60 i couldve gotten old age pension and then my problems with lack of income wouldve been over, sometimes ive wished i was older so i wouldnt have had these issues
      February 13, 2017 10:01 AM MST