Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» So Congress is taking off AN ENTIRE WEEK to celebrate "President's Day"! Hey hey hey. What a bunch of lazy bums. Why pay them for it?
Wait, do you mean the exact same crowd of folks who get to vote on their own annual pay raises, and have NEVER in history voted against an increase? Not only that, they have the power to control many aspects of the people's finances, and continually vote to keep people in poverty or near poverty when compared to their own fiscal status. Yes, I'm with you on this one. ~
OOOPPPSSS! I screwed up again! Anyway, I see now that members of Congress will be holding many TOWN HALL meetings with voters. It is not so much a vacation as BOTH SIDES will be out there gleaning opinions and ideas. I hope the protesters attend AND behave so the events can be worthwhile.
What I find so heartwarming and hopeful is that most of these Town Halls are held because the Republican constituents are demanding face-to-face meetings with their representatives so they can question them. They are not being soft and sweet and polite. The questions are in-your-face tough and these folks are furious! I love it! Watching them speak up and take the legislators to task just makes my day. For a change it isn't the Dems making so much fuss for the Pols. It's our Republican brothers and sisters! Go get 'em sez I! They will not be satisfied by silence. Thank you for your reply bh! :)
Because it occurred to me StuB. That is why I ask EVERY question I ask. Because it occurs to me. Whether the question occurs to me in timely fashion or not I cannot ask it until/unless I think of it. I thought of it so I asked it. Did I answer YOUR question? Thank you for asking it and Happy Thursday to you.