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Continue relationship with cousin who does not seem interested?

I have two cousins, who are half my age, just entered college.. when they were growing up, I'd babysit them, play with them, laugh etc. They have EVERYthing and more, money wise, and now are going to very good schools. Only thing is, in the last couple years, they've shown no interest to truly be with me/hang out... I have always had to make the effort. I thought, well, they are only 18, etc.. but, at 18 I was making contact with my other cousin when I wanted to see , I wonder, do I go make the hours long visit to see them (they have not personally invited me.. ) at their schools, or kind of let it go.. ? Someone told me to back off, b/c why should I make the only effort to see/hang out.. but I still feel a sliver of guilt. I'm not sure why though.. they both do not ask me about my life or me ever. I just don't want to appear stand off ish either, or like I don't care at all, it's just I feel empty and not full of enthusiasm about visit-  any ideas welcome..

Posted - February 18, 2017


  • It's like Harry said.  It's a selfish time.  The degree varies for everyone but it's most likely they don't realize what it means to you. It also could just be that awkward phase.  Looking back on my years I was very stand-offish and didn't show much concern for older family members but I cared and though about them all the same. Just felt awkward about expressing myself to them at the time. Having adult thoughts but still feeling like a kid that cannot express those thoughts. It can be hard to decipher what's appropriate to talk about. That can cause one to withdraw a little and feel a tad uncomfortable.  People still see you as that little boy of girl and you know it, but you're dealing with peer pressure and adult thoughts. It kinda messes with your head.
      February 19, 2017 9:53 AM MST

  • 6124
    Piggybacking on what Glis just said, I think younger people just expect the adults to be there and maintain contact.  Younger people don't think about reciprocity, especially if they haven't been taught that or it's never been expected of them before.  It's an unconscious thought: You are there, you will always be there.  They are focused on today and the people in front of them. 

    Baybreeze, you need to stop yourself from feeling judged by their parents, or anybody in your life.  You can't control what other people do, say, or how they act toward you, but you can control your own responses, feelings, and actions.  You are allowing others to control your emotions.  Why?  If their parents say something to you which makes you feel guilty then you need to tell them "relationships are a two way street" and leave it at that.  If they pressure you for more tell them what you are telling us.  That you are tired of always initiating contact and not receiving responses or reciprocity.  There is only so much a person can do before they start believing their contact isn't appreciated or wanted.  If their parents keep giving you a hard time, tell them that it isn't your job to teach them manners, it was theirs.  

      February 19, 2017 10:18 AM MST

  • 53404
      February 19, 2017 10:37 AM MST

  • 6124
    Thank you Randy.
      February 19, 2017 10:39 AM MST

  • 3375
    I can relate Baybreeze.  I have found myself in your position more than once; doing more to sustain a relationship with people that just weren't as interested in keeping ties.  It may even be a generational thing with us too.  

    I used to think social media was going to do so much to keep people close, but I am having a change of heart on that.  I think for some relationships, it's great.  But others, it reveals their disinterest a lot quicker.

    BTW, I am personally taking a break from things like FB for this very reason.  I have had a lot of loss in my family in recent years and I find that sometimes I actually feel WORSE when I perceived I am being ignored or even disliked.  

    I miss the days we all used to write letters and gave it thought.  I miss phone calls and actual get togethers where you really knew where you stood with people.

    My advice Baybreeze?  If you feel ignored after putting out the effort, walk away and do NOT take it on!!!  I am just learning this myself.  Family can be the most hurtful because they often take us for granted.  There are people that DO care and they are the ones we can put our efforts into.  
      February 19, 2017 10:37 AM MST

  • 1138
    I'm sorry you too have felt slighted or ignored by family members :( Thank you SO much for saying something I've felt, but wasn't able to stand FIRM upon; to NOT take it on if a member is not putting in effort too. I want to visit them in a way, but in another way, I feel it is like this dead end.... only 'I' am making any effort to continue to talk/hang out. I mean do I just keep doing that?? Many including you say no. They are adults now too and can also contact me. On the FB note, I had the EXACT thing happen a few months ago.. an aunt of mine never returned my heartfelt message to her, wondering how she was doing after surgery. I was really sad and bummed b/c she wrote and posted everyday to others. :/  I felt very much ignored. She once said, call, don't text... but it felt like a demand. I don't like the phone, and I showed concern for her on FB and perhaps that is why she ignored me? not sure... but, it felt like a big sting. When I've been ONLY kind to her. You are right, others do care and will care, w e just have to find them :) *hugggg to you and thank you Pea
      February 20, 2017 10:18 PM MST

  • 3375
    I'm actually downplaying what really happened with a sibling and FB.  She used a public post on FB to blast me with every hurt from the past, including the deaths of our parents.  She is an alcoholic and no longer cares what she says or writes.  I knew she was acting "different" since our mother's death last year, but had NO idea she was rewriting our entire history in her mind.  

    Family can be very hurtful and even subtle messages on FB can pull us down.  

    I am really taking stock of who matters in my life and what I want to expose myself to again.  

    I just know that if someone is giving us a bad vibe, it's probably not your imagination.  I often argue with my own gut feelings since I know I have always been sensitive.  But the good people in life have never made me question for a minute their heart, even on social media.
      February 21, 2017 10:04 AM MST

  • 1128
    Baybreeze...whether it be family or friend, if they do not have an interest in communicating themselves, let it go.  It's not easy for some, but is necessary if you want to keep your sanity. Focus your energy on people who appreciate it. 
    Trying to do it yourself will only drag you down.  Your cousins are old enough to call you, if they are interested.  Sometimes it is painful...but family members need to communicate. It sounds like they just lost interest. Blood family can at times take other family members for granted.  This post was edited by SA (SuperA) at February 19, 2017 12:07 PM MST
      February 19, 2017 11:20 AM MST

  • 3463
    Well said SA, and I agree.
      February 19, 2017 11:33 AM MST