Human frailty, more specifically my own! I haven't completed my homework, not even close :( I was supposed to do it Saturday, but had a huge list of chores, so I set myself today to finish writing it, (later session needed to edit it). But I allowed myself to get distracted... I didn't get down to it, then son asked me to go with him to a timber supplier, that was shut, so we went to an aquatic store in the same retail park. He took foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever... choosing fish... then after returning home he wanted to go to a DIY store to look for wood, again he took ageeeeeeeeees to choose a piece of wood, taking out each one to examine it.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
But who's to blame? Me, really cos I went, with him.. I shouldn't have.. especially as he always takes forever.. but then again he's my son, and it won't be long before he flies the nest and although it's a little thing, it's nice he likes me to go with him now and then..
But now my homework seems insurmountable because I am really, really tired, and I still have to cook tea, and I didn't do the washing up, and I failed to do the laundry as well...
I guess I feel cross with myself, cross because I always feel I should achieve more than I can, I HATE it when I get too tired, and things take longer than they should, or I don't have energy to do all I want.. grrrr I hate not being invincible.. I am sure I used to be :P