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Do you know what makes me cross? DO you have that expression? It's kinda like angry but not quite that bad. What makes you cross?

Human frailty, more specifically my own! I haven't completed my homework, not even close :( I was supposed to do it Saturday, but had a huge list of chores, so I set myself today to finish writing it, (later session needed to edit it). But I allowed myself to get distracted... I didn't get down to it, then son asked me to go with him to a timber supplier, that was shut, so we went to an aquatic store in the same retail park. He took foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever... choosing fish... then after returning home he wanted to go to a DIY store to look for wood, again he took ageeeeeeeeees to choose a piece of wood, taking out each one to examine it.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 

But who's to blame? Me, really cos I went, with him.. I shouldn't have.. especially as he always takes forever.. but then again he's my son, and it won't be long before he flies the nest and although it's a little thing, it's nice he likes me to go with him now and then.. 

But now my homework seems insurmountable because I am really, really tired, and I still have to cook tea, and I didn't do the washing up, and I failed to do the laundry as well... 

I guess I feel cross with myself, cross because I always feel I should achieve more than I can, I HATE it when I get too tired, and things take longer than they should, or I don't have energy to do all I want.. grrrr I hate not being invincible.. I am sure I used to be :P

Posted - February 19, 2017


  • 5835
    I went to something advertised as "Cross Training". It turns out it was a bible study meeting.
      February 19, 2017 11:11 AM MST

  • 7280
    You sound unhappy with yourself---do you possibly have ADD (attention deficit disorder)?...

    I do, and finding out that I did and how to deal with it changed my life....  (And ADD is frequently associated with high intelligence---so it has its perks as well)....

    And I was diagnosed when I was in my 50's. This post was edited by tom jackson at February 19, 2017 11:56 PM MST
      February 19, 2017 11:18 AM MST

  • You are a smart cookie ya know Tom :) Yes I believe i have ADHD, my kids all have it.. so it's likely I do too, I am certain my mum did -badly!! Indirectly it killed her :( I have it very, very mildly compared to her, or my kids... it's good that I can understand their struggles cos I know how it feels.. 

    I have never been diagnosed... but I am sure I have it.. 

    My problem is two fold, one related to the ADHD and one not... with the ADHD I am hyperactive and always doing too many things at once, so I always give myself too much to do.. often I manage it, but at a cost to myself physically :(  When it comes to tasks I find boring i.e. homework, I get distracted easily, and yes more fun going out than doing homework..  but at the same time I SHOULD Have been able to do both and I should have told son not to take soooo long.. 

    My second prob is probably not ADHD related.. I am just a perfectionist/very, very competitive re myself.. I always work harder, faster, longer, more accurately than everyone else.. and I HATE making mistakes or not getting things done...  an example.. I used to have an awesomely physical job, few can do it  long term... I did it for 8 years but not only that, I took on double shifts, often working 7 days a week for weeks in a row.. no one else could or would do this.. but  I did lol I am, or was, invincible.. and when I would work with people way younger than me.. I would work harder and faster, and again longer than they did.. I just always want to be the best I can be.. i have very high standards...  

    I should be less hard on myself and stop trying to achieve the impossible
      February 19, 2017 12:58 PM MST

  • 318
    As my wife puts it: "Suck it up, Buttercup" and get on with it. You can probably rest for a couple of hours before tomorrow. :)
      February 19, 2017 11:34 AM MST

  • LOL I love your wife, she's down to earth and she's right.. at the end of the day the homework, laundry, dishes wont do themselves.. so I WILL have to do it and whining isn't going to make it any better.. Unfortunately it's going to take more than a few hours... we are talking less than 1/3 done.. and I am so tired i've reached the stage where it's not going in.. information that is..  I will find a way to fit this in over the week and to do the list of chores, and go to the beach, and the vet and the... lol we are all always so busy these days 
      February 19, 2017 12:50 PM MST

  • We used 'cross" in Oz when I was a kid but it's rarely heard these days. I guess we go straight from calm to anger. Personally, just just zip off my out garments and transform from mild-mannered Clark Kent to the Incredible Hulk.
      February 19, 2017 4:15 PM MST

  • 22891
    when neighbors are constantly talking loud in the halls and i cant get nothing done
      February 19, 2017 9:45 PM MST