Discussion»Questions»answerMug» Don't you wish that the time and date a question was POSTED readily showed here? I couldn't care less when the last answer appeared.
Yes. I agree with you Randy. If no one replies to a question, even though I can see it's position on the list, that doesn't mean I know when it was posted. The questions surrounding it could have been answered at a much later time. Then, there are those questions that will be responded to by a person days or weeks later. I find it confusing & time consuming to hunt around trying to figure out an approximate date and time the question was posted. I guess it comes from being older but, time is important to me. I don't have that much of it left to waste. ;-)
It doesn't really matter to me what date/time a question was posted. I'd prefer to know who initiated the qestion rather than who was the last to respond.