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Why ask, right? Who let the creeps in?

Do you, as the most natural thing send naked pictures of yourself masturbating to other members that you had no prior interaction with?

What harm, right? Why ask, or respect if they are consenting adults? Why respect their wishes for staying a part of this community, without blocking their private chat feature? It's only online, right? All that maters is their pleasure, and not if it's disturbing for that someone who happened to be online as the urge raised (no pun intended)? Why even consider if a lesbian is interested in seeing a d*ck? It's just another chick, right?

This was a first. I had almost forgotten all about that species, the Neanderthal man existed. I met plenty of them at EP, and ended up blocking all strangers any access in communication with my profile. I truly hope this is just this one, and not a wave of creeps coming our way. Such a disgusting message. Sorry. Rant is over.

Posted - February 28, 2017


  • I sure hope you reported this! That's down right crude! The member who sent that crap to you should be booted ASAP! I've never sent a nude photo to anyone ever in my life. I sure hope they take care of this for you! 
      February 28, 2017 6:19 AM MST

  • 17260
    Reported right away after I told him what a moron, jerk, and creep he is. I hope others will report the creeper too, should it happen to them. Goes for that creep as anyone else. I am no prude, and I do like the naked body, but I would like to consent if I'm interested or not. I have no wish to see any d*ck. They are not my thing. Grrr.
      February 28, 2017 6:22 AM MST

  • 53676
    If he does it again after you've reported it, OUT him!

      February 28, 2017 6:24 AM MST

  • 17260
    I hope he get booted right away. No one can be in doubt it's against TOS. Two pictures and a question if I like his toy, even before I could object about the first. I doubt I'm his first, nor last. Remove that image from my memory. 
      February 28, 2017 6:33 AM MST

  • Even if they are a persons 'thing' I don't want to be d*ick bombed any more than you do. I'm assuming I speak for the majority of women, regardless of their sexual orientation.

      February 28, 2017 6:28 AM MST

  • 17260
    I too clearly had flashback at the old EP times when several of this pics PM's were sent to our inboxes there. I blocked it. Luckily they can't here, but chat messages are free to access unless we block that person. But how can we positively know who they are before they sent their first. Meh. And you're right, consenting is the important part and not if, or not it's our 'thing'.
      February 28, 2017 6:36 AM MST

  • 53676

    Nope, not only do I not do that, I don't even request, offer or suggest sending any photos whatsoever.  Some people log on here for different reasons than other people. I'm mainly a Q, A, and Comment guy, not a T&A guy. 

      February 28, 2017 6:22 AM MST

  • 17260
    T&A guy? What's that? Lol.
      February 28, 2017 6:37 AM MST

  • 6124
    To put it in as nice a term as possible, T & A is what we Americans refer to as breasts & butts.
      February 28, 2017 6:40 AM MST

  • 17260
    Oh. Blonde moment. *giggles*
      February 28, 2017 6:44 AM MST

  • 6124
    I have never taken a pic of myself naked, much less think about sending one to another person.  That is very, very disturbing & disgusting.  I'm sorry this happened to you SapphicHeart.  I will never understand why or how people get a thrill out of harassing & shocking other people.  
      February 28, 2017 6:31 AM MST

  • 17260
    I knew this kind of, mainly men from my stay at EP. Just never met them here. Not like this. Grrr.
      February 28, 2017 6:39 AM MST

  • 6124
    Please tell me it's someone new and not someone who's been here a while, we all like and, believe is a decent person. This post was edited by Harry at February 28, 2017 7:53 AM MST
      February 28, 2017 6:41 AM MST

  • 17260
    I just checked them up, and they've been around from about the time EP closed. I fear we dragged some of the creepy stuff with us. Sorry guys. What's worse though is how many he's done this with before me. Some might have enjoyed, what do I know. But some might have left the place because of such behavior. I don't get it why he hasn't been reported and removed before, has he done it before. His way doing it, tells me this wasn't a first from his side. Meh.
      February 28, 2017 6:47 AM MST

  • 53676

    I doubt that very many women enjoy that kind of thing. 
      February 28, 2017 6:54 AM MST

  • 17260
    I can only tell from my time on EP, that I did not meet one woman who enjoyed it, and it's like Lucia said no matter what their 'thing' is. I just added that sentence, not to neglect that there could be one out there, and good for her if so. Doesn't give him the right though to message his toys to a stranger in an IM. Meh.
      February 28, 2017 6:58 AM MST

  • 6124
    I don't know the site EP but it sounds like he has been here for a while but hasn't been posting much, just watching.  Don't apologize.  It's not your fault that the creep showed up here.  I also don't think he has done this to another regular here without being reported.  I think he targeted you because he was both attracted to your avatar and knew it would upset you.  He was hoping for & expecting the reaction you gave him. I learned that for guys like that, it's part of their turn on to know that you weren't expecting it.  
      February 28, 2017 6:58 AM MST

  • 17260
    Guys like that won't post. They will be silent in public and do their stuff under radar. As long as no one reports them, they get away with it. The real challenge at EP (Experience Project) was that they'd be back a minute later with a new profile if we had success getting them booted, and that way they never really respected not to do it. I found it by the end easier not to report and simply block the bastards. As long as they did not have a new profile they were closed from getting close to me again. Hmm. Such hostile environment we had at EP. It's all very clear now, after almost a year away and staying here as a member.
      February 28, 2017 7:04 AM MST

  • I got one too! Disgusting! I didn't even reply....let's see how a bit of public embarrassment works! I got a nasty masturbating picture from (member name removed by JA) this morning. I agree with you Sapphic as I am no prude, I can appreciate the male body, but not in this environment and ONLY if I'm consenting....which I was not. This post was edited by Just Asking at February 28, 2017 10:47 PM MST
      February 28, 2017 7:11 AM MST

  • 17260
    I took a screenshot and posted it with my reporting. Poor JA who has to see it too. He is a creep. I'm sorry you had to go through the same thing. Meh. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 28, 2017 10:47 PM MST
      February 28, 2017 7:12 AM MST

  • I deleted it before I even thought, but I can't screenshot on my kindle so I'm glad you were able to...sorry JA. Whadda creep!
      February 28, 2017 7:16 AM MST

  • 17260
    I will let her know you got it too, should she ask me if I'm aware of others being harassed by this creeper. 
      February 28, 2017 7:19 AM MST

  • Thank you! :)
      February 28, 2017 7:21 AM MST

  • 6124
    So, it looks like he's been on a mission this morning.  Sorry you had to go through that Angela. :-(
      February 28, 2017 8:49 AM MST