Hi Skunky, I found a photo of them...wild blackberries, these are tiny, about the size of the tip of a woman's little finger. You find them in the Pacific raincoast, and I may never have this pie again because it takes a LONG time to find them and pick enough of them, but they make the best pie I have ever eaten.
May years ago say 40 or so, when I was a waitress, there was a pie cook I worked with. Her name was Ruby Jewel. No one and I mean no one has ever made a pie like she did. The crust was flaky on the top and cooked on the bottom and the pie part was exceptional. She was a sweet dear woman RIP. A true artist in pie making. Anything she made was the best.
MorningStar...your description sounds like the pies women made when I was growing up, and that was a good sixty years ago now! I am wondering if the art of making pies is one of those skills lost with the tech age, because you just don't get them now. My pies were always okay but never like my mother, aunties, and all that generation.
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