Discussion » Questions » Politics » HUMAN: Do you sir, BELIEVE that a child or an aged person WITHOUT money should starve? MICK MULVANEY: YES

HUMAN: Do you sir, BELIEVE that a child or an aged person WITHOUT money should starve? MICK MULVANEY: YES



Posted - March 17, 2017


  • 22891
    i dont think so
      March 17, 2017 2:51 PM MDT

  • 1233
    He didn't say that.

    What he said was absolutely true. The left only see half the equation. You only see the people you help, not the people you oppress. You only see the good you do, not the evil you do.

    You are so short sighted you can't see that society is collapsing under the weight of social programs. The failure of your ideas is creating more poverty which only makes you more convinced that social programs are essential, not less. It's like watching someone drink salt water, become even more thirsty and more convinced they need more salt water. When society collapses everyone is going to need help and there will be not middle class left to pay taxes.

    If you would just make the economy strong, pretty soon hardly anyone would need help and charities would easily be able to take care of those that did.

    If you don't stow that bleeding heart sh*t, we'll all be on the bread line before long. For a preview of your future, check out what's happening in Venezuela. 

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at March 17, 2017 4:35 PM MDT
      March 17, 2017 4:34 PM MDT