The Guns, Bacon, and Fantasy Series By Corey The Goofyhawk. I'll be here doing book signings all week!
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 23, 2017 1:24 PM MDT
Thanks, Didge. It gets rather Dewey no matter where I go. I've already dragged my Dewish influence all over North Carolina. If I ever make it back up to Michigan, I'll leave my territorial "mark of the dew" in my home city, lol.
I've been asked a few times to collect my stories and put them into a book. I actually started to do that and chose the above as a working title.
As cleanly and briefly as I can tell it, a young man visits a doctor with a very personal ailment. Doctor examines him and says, "Looks like the clap." Young man is horrified. "Doctor! You must be mistaken. Couldn't I just have a cold in it?" Doctor examines it again, nods his head wisely, sayd, "Yes, you may have a cold in it ... but until it sneezes we'll treat it for the clap."
And that's why i use android :) ... But seriously it shouldn't ... Many people use iPads without an issue ... It may be something to do with your settings in safari .. talk to hubby .. he's an it guru isn't he? .. but in the meantime.... You tube... Dusty Springfield .. wishing and hoping ... Hope you enjoy :)