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Why can't the US exercise fiscal responsibility and provide good healthcare for all?

Is it cheaper to let people drop dead from lack of proper healthcare rather than ask the wealthy and the corporations to pay a fair Tax and to reevaluate & prioritize government spending?

Posted - March 30, 2017


  • 3191
    Government spending has been evaluated and prioritized throughout history...war is expensive.
      March 30, 2017 11:36 AM MDT

  • aha!  See?  What's wrong with that picture.
    The last war that we had a reason to enter was WWII.  Everything else like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama, etc., etc., etc, were just expensive ventures in meddling.  

    Now that vapid orange douche in the WH has increased the US budget for the military to astronomical levels. I can't help but think of North Korea who spends most of their money on military while their population starves

      March 30, 2017 11:45 AM MDT

  • 3191
    In all fairness, we have been "at war" (meaning declared or not, and yes, mostly meddling) somewhere for better than 90% of our history.

    To clarify, in over 90% of the years we were at war somewhere during the year. This post was edited by Bozette at March 30, 2017 10:45 PM MDT
      March 30, 2017 11:51 AM MDT

  • I know.  It's really sad. What a huge waste of money. It's our culture it seems and it's no wonder people hate us more and more.  Imagine how great would be and what we could have accomplished as a civilization if we spent all the money and effort into the betterment of our country.


      March 30, 2017 11:54 AM MDT

  • 3191
    I know.  What is really sad is that many Americans do not realize that.  A few years ago we were considered the #1 threat to peace in a world poll conducted by Win/Gallup...
      March 30, 2017 11:58 AM MDT

  • And the problem with a big military is that if it's not used is kind of wasted...
      March 30, 2017 12:07 PM MDT

  • We were warned 60 years ago by a former General non-the-less.

      March 30, 2017 12:18 PM MDT

  • Yes!... Read up on the Ford pinto and the exploding fuel tanks... Management decided, secretly of course, that it was cheaper to pay compensation than do a recall.. The only problem is the owners weren't aware... It's a cost benefit thing.. Welcome to the new world
      March 30, 2017 12:04 PM MDT

  • I used to own a brown Pinto. lol  I paid $300 for it. I crashed it into a tree stump

    It's very sick to place a $ amount on human lives and below corporate profit. It happens all the time. Insurance companies for example, specifically healthcare insurance companies...are moral degenerates and pure evil. Treatments and care options are being determined by pencil-pushing bean counters
      March 30, 2017 12:10 PM MDT

  • Yep.. A long known secret... They are a business, beginning and end
      March 30, 2017 12:16 PM MDT

  • 34948
    Yep. Remember, Obama telling a woman her 100 yr old mother probably would not get a pacemaker just pain pill? Pace makers are expensive. This post was edited by my2cents at March 30, 2017 10:46 PM MDT
      March 30, 2017 12:22 PM MDT

  • I heard Obama say that a 25 year old would not get the same level of care as a 65 year old which is something people seem to have forgotten these days when they're complaining about Trump.
      March 30, 2017 10:48 PM MDT

  • 3191
    This article is a few years old, but all of our regulations are based on the value of a statistical life (VSL).  Each agency uses their own formula, so the amount varies.
      March 30, 2017 12:35 PM MDT

  • 5835
    How much tax is fair?
      March 30, 2017 1:39 PM MDT

  • 23% flat deductions
      March 30, 2017 4:30 PM MDT

  • 372
    So a poor person making $25,000 a year is left with $19,250 to support a family of four, whle a single person making $1,000,000 a year is left with $770,000 to struggle by on.

    You need to think more about a flat tax.
      March 30, 2017 8:28 PM MDT

  • Fairness isn't equality of outcome.
    What are we just supposed to tax the successful back into poverty so the unsuccessful can be brought to wealth by redistribution?
      Why is someone at the poverty level having these kids?
      March 30, 2017 10:04 PM MDT

  • 372
    $770,000 is hardly poverty. The other example is a person who lost his job paying $80,000 a year because the criminal bankers who set the world economy on its ear by selling toxic mortgages caused his company to declare bankruptcy.

    The extreme examples are to show that a "23% flat deductions" is not workable. There are dozens of other reasons why, anybody can figure them out.   
      March 31, 2017 12:49 AM MDT

  • False argument.   You are quoting $770,000 but that's the figure from Goat's 23% flat tax.  Which under your argument it's implied  isn't enough tax on them.
    Moving the goal posts and dodging the subject as usual Louie.

      March 31, 2017 1:01 AM MDT

  • 372
    It served the point I was making. Now you're making a different point. Who's moving the goal posts now?
      March 31, 2017 1:10 AM MDT

  • Not true Louie, not true.   You're deflecting and dodging in order toproselytize your own hardline virtues.
    You move the goal posts and deflect to make a point?  FAIL!

    I never changed topics or mad a different point.   Maybe you don't understand what moving the goal posts actually means? This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 31, 2017 1:26 AM MDT
      March 31, 2017 1:23 AM MDT

  • 372
    My own "hardline virtues"?? Which are ?
      March 31, 2017 4:53 PM MDT

  • 5835
    The constitution prohibits direct taxation. So your suggestion is unconstitutional.
      March 30, 2017 8:55 PM MDT

  • 5835
    I have been reluctant to comment on this thread because I happen to think that taxation is theft, and there is no fair amount of theft. "Responsibility" means each person paying their own expenses, not trying to use the government to rob his neighbors at gunpoint. I see that you have some very different attitudes, and it is difficult to maintain good manners while discussing such widely differing attitudes.
      March 30, 2017 9:43 PM MDT