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Why do parents always act like and try to convince themselves and others that the baby years are anything but horrible?

If it's sop wonderful the first two years when they are babies then why is the whole time about celebrating every moment they become less like a baby?
You know screaming and crying, colic,  changing diapers, feeding , burping, dealing with formula/milk vomit, etc.   sucks.   Y'all always say that but spend the whole time celebrating and anticipating all the events of them becoming less baby

Baby first tooth.

Baby's  first night he/she sleeps the whole night through.

Baby's first haircut.

Baby's first word.

Baby started holding its  own bottle

Baby starting eating regular food

Baby started using own spoon

Baby started to crawl

Baby's  first steps.

Baby finally stopped P***ing and S***ing itself and uses the toilet.

Baby is finally old enough to be dropped off at preschool for 6-8 hours

If the baby years were so wonderful people would be depressed over all these events.  Not celebrating them.   But no, taking care of a baby sucks. It isn't till about 4-5 that kids become fun to be around and y'all know it.

Posted - April 5, 2017


  • 1138
    Yeah I partly agree; the lil one I care for is 2 , and while it is great that he is learning SO much, each day, literally new words and concepts he remembers WELL every day (he is sharp), I yearn for when he says little phrases like 'wish you Merry Christmas' ... (NOT in full sentence). He is saying some full sentences now and I'm sad in a way LOL. b/c pretty soon I won't hear those little fragmented phrases 'hear train!' , 'no run street'. So you are right in a way...he has a new baby sister now and she is ALWAYS crying and it seems like the mom is so irritated with it, which is right in a 'way' b/c you get less sleep , but she expects her to be like a one or two year old at 3 weeks old :/ They cry an d fuss a LOT the first few months, so it just has to be dealt with for a bit. (yet are cutie munchkins while doing all that gross stuff too) hahahaha. I agree, 3-5 is the BEST years for a kid !!!
      April 5, 2017 9:45 AM MDT

  • Thanks BayBreeze.  I think it's until they hit about 12 honestly.  At least in my experience spoiling kids.
      April 5, 2017 9:49 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Yes 12 is great lol. Only reason I love '3' is because I used to nanny for a family with a three yr. old. He was TOO funny lol. He'd mimic anything and he was soooo cute. We'd go to the park and there would be this little playhouse to go into- he'd go in and 'pretend' he was 'chaniging a light bulb' LOL !!! Then he'd say 'Yes!! yes, I want to get a snack now' so enthusiastically.. Two things that were HILARIOUS that he did were we were sitting in a park and a HUGE tree had fallen over from a storm.. he looks at it after I pointed it out and goes, 'Jesus'. LOL !!!!  (at 3!) Then one day we were in his playroom , had played for  an hour and I said, 'do you want to go outside now?' and he said, 'No I just want to sit and talk' (while he was laying on his stomach ) ommmgg, I cracked UP!!! haha; I love kids , but I will admit those first few months esp. they are SO needy hehe...
      April 5, 2017 9:53 AM MDT

  • Cute.

    I like when they are old enough to give them smoke bombs, bottle rockets, and slingshots.   Like 6ish.
      April 5, 2017 10:12 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Hahahaha :P  I do like the question though today; it's like parents are like, 'ohh a baby is coming, so cute!! so beautiful!' and they ARE, BU-U-UTTT, lol. You are in for a part nightmare too!!! hahaha.. (for one year or so..)
      April 5, 2017 10:29 AM MDT

  • Dear Glis you may be at least partly joking...but ima give you authentic answer...

    The baby is the physical expression of our infinite, indescribably beautiful and transcendent passion for each other...the awe of this very tangible result of our oneness together...and we are highly motivated to see it through.

    So the whole cascade of hormones rising, now directed into's evolution, the continuation of the species and all, no act, truly is real!
    * * *
    Even me, never having nor wanting babies...still when troubled children have come into my life and occasionally newborns, still it's very powerful. A good friend who herself bore five children, even when they were grown she described to me the feeling of her uterus would spasm when she saw an infant, the instinct to "mother" was so powerful.
      April 5, 2017 11:36 AM MDT

  • Yah it's joking with a shred of truth.

    Actually researchers have found evidence that babies and the mothers breast milk have a pheromone that draws us to babies and increases our patience.   They also theorize the seemingly universal appeal of large heads, eyes and odd proportions to human form are part of an instinctual mechanism to put up with them.   The idea goes that as children's become more physically proportional our patience with behaviour decreases.
      April 5, 2017 12:16 PM MDT

  • Excellent, makes sense to me
      April 5, 2017 12:29 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Well cos not everyone feels that way... some just love and appreciate babies for what they are...  I don't thnk universally people love more or less the baby stage.. but they are a lot less trouble when they are babies :P  
    For me it was never babies per-se I liked but I did appreciate loads about mine when they were babies and loads when they weren't... 
    My daughter when she was first born, those first few hours... i remember so much.. and I remember especially how she would cry but stop if i held her tiny hand... 
      April 5, 2017 3:50 PM MDT

  • 17059
    Because toddlers are worse. And don't get me started on teenagers. Raising teens is like trying to nail jello to a tree.
      April 5, 2017 4:42 PM MDT

  • 2327
    The baby years are hard work, physically draining. But the "terrible two's" are a lot harder mentally. 

    "Stop putting your finger in the socket!"

    "Stop climbing on the TV!"

    "Stop eating the crayons!"

    "Stop tearing up the books!"

    "Stop biting the wires!"

    "Stop smearing your dinner on the wall!"

    Baby vs Toddler. Both periods are tough. It's just a different kind of tough. 

      April 5, 2017 5:12 PM MDT