Been out working on the garden alllll day... heavy work moving stuff, digging etc...I've reduced one border and made the lawn wider then replanting the plants, looks great :) And I was telling myself.. that this is it.. the garden's really getting how I want it, with a new fish pond and lots of changes.. but then I wondered.... would I really be able to just leave it as it is? Or will I always be tweaking this and changing that? Isn't that the thing with gardens, they are constantly evolving...
I sorta got the impression American's aren't into gardening quite as much as we Brits are - is that true?
Many to grow tomatoes here.. I used no problem with growing season as such but they do do better in a greenhouse.. We use lots of tomatoes too... but they are so much easier to just buy lol... I think re variety.. generally speaking they all taste pretty similar, or as near to as dammit.. so why have loads of varieties :P IN fairness tho we do have a fair few varieties.. depends on what catalogue you saw. I think fewer people have time to grow tomatoes now... and seeds are pretty expensive here.. I've grown yellow cherry toms, red cherry toms, gardeners delight ( which is one of the most popular) plum toms and beefsteak toms... let me see if I can find you a better catalogue