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Nationalism. Sovereignty for your country. Independent. Do Nationalists belong to any clubs/groups/associations? Why?

Nationalists/populists. Why on earth would they JOIN anything? They like to be independent/on their own, answerable to no one. They are not team players. So how could an avowed nationalist/populist possibly ever join anything and become one of many and disappear into the crowd? Makes no sense to me. How can you be both simultaneously? An advocate of individuality/separateness and a member of anything?

Posted - April 21, 2017


  • 124
    I don't know if I would describe Nationalists as not being team players Rosie, if the people of my country hadn't pulled together in the first and second world wars for a country that they loved, then things could of turned out very differently.  I am not proud of my country, I still harken back to the days when it was very different and I fear for it's future.  I am involved with a lot of world war 2 veterans, and they will tell you that they would not fight for this country as it is today.  Some even go one step further and say that it would have been better if Hitler had of won, and that's a strong comment to make.  I'll leave an article here from one of our papers a while back.

    Unfortunately, some Nationalists today are portray themselves of a more thug like nature and the whole point is lost.


    This post was edited by Pepper Pot at April 30, 2017 8:27 AM MDT
      April 21, 2017 12:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank for your very thoughtful and informative answer Pepper P. I appreciate it.  Here's what bothers me. I look at Nationalists as being the folks who say "I've got mine. Get your own". I think of the world as being made up of those who all face the SAME EXACT destination. Helping one another while we're here is the only thing that makes sense to me. Working together JOINTLY to our mutual benefit. Pulling together, compromising, cooperating. If every country is nationalistic then the world will never accomplish what it would/could had we all worked TOGETHER. "Am I my brother's keeper"? I think we are obligated to be good neighbors, dependable friends, solid allies, builders not destroyers. If we all look out for ourselves FIRST how do we accomplish that? I know. It's complicated. I guess I'm complicated too. I'm a loner not a joiner. But I'm always available to help those whom I can when they need it. I don't look away and let them  sink or swim. I do for myself what I can but having a helping hand reach out to me when I need it is priceless. As you can see it's a mixture of many things but above all I am a globalist not a nationalist. Happy Saturday m'dear! :)
      April 22, 2017 2:13 AM MDT

  • 124
    I understand where your coming from Rosie and I am the same. However, with regards to immigration and refugees and not the other points I already listed for wanting Brexit,  I have to be a realist and considering that facts and what I see happening in my own country.  Britain is a small island with limited services, when there is an influx of immigration and refugees it makes a great difference to those areas where they are sent putting pressure on services and raising taxes. There needs to be some common sense that a country also needs to look after the residents that are already living in it, if it cannot do that, then it certainly won't accomplish it when allowing more people in. Another point is, with the EU it is an open door policy, this means that any number of people from many countries can come in, there is no limit. The fact is there has to be a limit or the country is put under strain. 

    Many people are attracted to Britain because we offer a benefits system, some see this as free money.  Our country will also put a roof over your head.  Even though Cameron was making it law that immigrants have to be in the country for four years before they can claim benefit, working four years and then claiming it is no hard feat. We also do not have enough houses and that means those who would normally be allocated housing in the social sector are not because refugees are being housed. We also have refugees sleeping in our local parks.

    Another point worth noticing is that there are five Arab countries who could take refugees but refuses to. They are far richer than us, closer and share similar culture. Israel has only accepted 100 babies they won't take adults, in comparison Palestine with a far smaller area now, more people and a limited water supply has taken in the thousands.

    Hence, Europe is the only place being criticized and yet it is taking so many refugees and immigrants that given 60 years the population and ethicalities and culture of Europe will look very different and the countries are struggling under the pressure.

    Also many of the cultures do not mix. We have fundamentalist Muslims moving here, they do not mix with other communities and they have their own Sharia Courts. They parade the cities in where they are living and threaten British Muslims, and even those who are not Muslim into following Sharia Law. The East End in London is the majority Muslim. The East enders ended up moving to Essex. Hence the layout of England is changing. Bear in mind also that many cultures have far more children than other British ethicalities. Some immigrants do not see themselves as British they see themselves as Islamic.  Britain does not recognise Muslim Marriage and so many Muslim women are stuck in abusive marriages as the Sharia courts will not allow them to divorce.

    Also cultures do not mix, and there becomes conflict. Many British are very accommodating, but there is interfighting between different groups. There are two distinct Nigerian tribes that do not get along. Pakistani people do not get along with Sikhs, the list goes on. 
    This means either the most dominant group will take over, or with the intended new order of things there will not be any cultures every thing will be watered down and so history and the individuality of culture will disappear into a communist type society.  Everything each country once loved about it's people will vanish, they will have no identity.

    I believe that if people want their country to run like Britain or America then that's what should be put in place in their country, it makes sense due to land space, there is enough land for everyone but not enough space on one island like Britain for everyone. However many don't they want to move to these countries for the benefits but then in still the laws and religions they were escaping from.

    Common sense tells me that we cannot fit a certain amount of people in one area whilst trying to maintain Green Belt land.  The problem is British citizens  give large amount of funding to other undeveloped countries, and have for a very long time.  The truth is the money gets stolen because the system is corrupt.  It costs £5000 for a waterhole to be put in place in Uganda.  We have been giving millions and millions to Africa since the first raising of money by Bob Geldof. And yet those countries still look like they are no better when we started funding in the 1980's, why? Because the system in corrupt.  If you go to Africa you will also find that the clothes collected by Oxfam are not giving to the people, they are given to them to sell in the markets, hence freely given items are being sold for profit by corrupt people.

    I could spend along time on this subject, but all one can really do is decide what is best for them and those already living in the country and accept the realities of what happens when there is unlimited immigration and mass influxes of immigration. 

    Britain also bailed out Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal when they faced bankruptcy. who pays for that? The taxpayer.  Italy's Prime Minister likened the EU to the orchestra playing on the Titanic. We'd already bailed out the banks and have never been repaid.

    I like Britain I like the culture and practices I have grown up with, the services we fund and I would like it to stay that way, I do not want it dictated by Brussels who's foremost concern is not for the inhabitants of Britain, in the EU our country is further down the list, if we are a sovereign country our citizens would be placed first, as taxpayers who work in our country,  isn't that what anyone would want for the people of it's country after years of fighting to keep it? This doesn't mean we do not help other nations we do just as America does.  Happy Saturday to you :)

    This post was edited by Pepper Pot at April 22, 2017 5:57 PM MDT
      April 22, 2017 12:49 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I love you pepper :)  and I am soooo glad you are here :) I have been saying this stuff forever... and to be fair I get attacked for it.. cos I am the only one saying it.... there was a time I almost left... over this subject... people were saying that Brexit was little different to what happened re Trump. that those who voted for Brexit were little better than Trump voters...*I* was even compared to Trump and Farage...  I have tried all along to be reasonable and reasoning... to explain things how they are... It will be great to have a few others on board from the UK so I am not the only one saying these things... as I suspect they don't believe me lol very hard being the only one saying these things.
      April 30, 2017 8:26 AM MDT

  • Ughh   actually they are team players by definition.  They are  only willing to support their team AKA their nation.
      April 21, 2017 1:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It's so disappointing Glis. How many zillions of years (exaggeration) have humans been around? I don't get why there is such indifference/hate among us. I get that there are differences of opinion. That's fine. But I don't understand how some can write others off as being unworthy or "less than" as an excuse to dismiss them, ignore them, let them drown figuratively. Humans are born, live, die.  Are there any exceptions to that? The circumstances of our lives might differ in degree or components but the template is the same for everyone. Just imagine a world in which people would compromise/cooperate/discuss/work things out? Can you? I know it's hard to do  isn't it?  I think far too many people don't think that is a worthy goal...or maybe that only saps think that way. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!  :)
      April 22, 2017 2:21 AM MDT

  • First nations need to learn to mind their own business and stay out of others affairs.  The USA as much and if not more than any other,
      April 22, 2017 2:33 AM MDT

  • 17027
    They do join associations that parrot their Alt-right beliefs. The GOP. The Nazi Party. Birds of a feather.
      April 21, 2017 7:59 PM MDT

  • Nationalism and populism are two  separate things aren't specifically alt-right or Nazi.  Just sayin'.  Recently people want to lump these things together and it's dishonest and disingenuous as all hell to do so.
      April 22, 2017 2:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    "Dishonest and disingenuous"? Trump is a nationalist and he pandered to the people as a populist not an elitist which is what he is. Would you call him dishonest and disingenous? I wouldn't do it out loud. His supporters are very protective of him and believe he walks on water, is the second coming of Jesus Christ and can do no wrong.  My two cents' worth Glis.
      April 22, 2017 2:26 AM MDT

  • Okay.  Stalin was a lefty and a socialists.  All lefties and  socialists are murderous tyrants.

    I'll call Trump what ever I want and it wont be nice..  Besides that comment has nothing to do with mine.
      April 22, 2017 2:30 AM MDT

  • 17027
    Many nationalist organisations are so far to the right that they border on Fascism. The National Front. National Action. UKIP.
      April 22, 2017 2:28 AM MDT

  • Fascism isn't  strictly right wing.   It's equally right and left and in reality shatters the traditional right-left paradigm.  Saying only the right can fall into the danger of fascism is also BS. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at April 30, 2017 8:55 AM MDT
      April 22, 2017 2:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche Sbf. There is movie coming out called "The Promise". It covers the years of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Turks. Then there is the Holocaust. Then there are all the other places that ethnic cleansing have occurred. Which is worse? Hate or indifference? I dunno. Both are worse. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday.
      April 22, 2017 2:24 AM MDT