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Are BREXIT people Trump people?

Posted - April 29, 2017


  • 6477
    No, not at all but unfortunately many Americans seem to believe it's the same.. You can't tell some people... best let them believe what they want to believe
      April 29, 2017 10:12 AM MDT

  • As far as I know there's no comparison, however, there have been suggestions that we need Trump with his strong personality to negotiate Brexit rather than Mrs Maybe.

      April 29, 2017 9:56 PM MDT

  • 1233
    Well, the ones who have any understanding of what it's all about are. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at April 30, 2017 9:25 PM MDT
      April 30, 2017 1:42 AM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL nice try sweetness... but you forgot almost NO ONE in the UK has even an ounce of respect for the orange pumpernickel.  I have been conducting informal surveys and have only ever found one person who liked him here.. and one person who is a Brit but who lives in the states.  now.

    Indeed like it or not, accept it or not most of the rest of the world think electing the orange twerp is the craziest/stupidest thing the Americans have done yet - most people still can't believe it
      April 30, 2017 6:37 AM MDT

  • 1233
    Did you even read my answer? I said the people who understand what's going on are for Trump. Did I claim that's a majority? No... Did I claim that it's even a large minority? No...

    Your posts repeatedly imply that the majority opinion on a subject is correct.

    I'm well aware of what British opinion polls say. It means nothing. All they demonstrate is the ignorance of the British people, not the geopolitical reality. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at April 30, 2017 9:03 PM MDT
      April 30, 2017 2:12 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Oh dear here we go again... not sure why I bother but hey it's the natural educator in me.. you are aware that it's almost impossible to find anyone here who has a good word for Trump.. that's a fact - it isn't opinion.. So when you say the smart Brexiters are Pro Trump.. what you aren't realising is that that's an oxymoron..  and more to the point it isn't true.. Brexiters are as anti Trump as anyone else here..  So your belief otherwise is, I am afraid, unrealistic.. now all that is left is for you to either accept the truth or reject it.. Being a Trump supporter I think we can hazard a guess as to which you will choose..  But please don't think it matters to me - I am well used to this kind of attitude among certain followers of the angry satsuma. 
    PS it's kinda pedantic of me but just to point out..  I never mentioned opinion polls and if we are talking ignorance.. that's exactly the worldwide sterotype of Americans..there's a standing joke that most Americans couldn't even find Germany on a map... now I am just the messenger here..  so don't go getting all riled up but please be aware that I only bring it up since you feel you are entitled to take a pop at Brits being ignorant, you should be able to take the same back... just in this case it's not MY opinion, you should at least be aware that the perception, especially are the stunt of electing the most abhorrent, lacking in class pres ever, that most Americans are pretty stupid.  As i say not my opinion... 
      April 30, 2017 2:43 PM MDT

  • Aha so now you're the spokesman for "the rest of the world".  How could you possibly know what the rest of the world thinks of Trump?

    Now you've been conducting "informal surveys"  I assume that's the neighbour you gossip with over the fence and your gran.  It's very odd that you say your "informal surveys" only found one person who liked Trump when I have family members from Newcastle to Brighton we all get together, I visited them all and talked to their friends and the majority couldn't stand Hillary and hoped that Trump would bring new hope to the Presidency.
      April 30, 2017 9:07 PM MDT

  • 6477
    ooh  i nearly missed this latest vindictive little attack... oh dear one cannot take their eye off the ball for one moment here can one..  

    I read articles.. i follow world news.. as many of us do...I talk to intelligent people who know...  and I guess I hang out with intelligent people..  One doesn't have to be a spokesperson.. and i never claimed i was.. so oooh lookie another sarcastic dig from you.. well that's one Brit skill you ain't lost :P  

    All I can say is up in Newcastle.. the centre of the Uk's educated right? The thriving hub economic success and of Middle class?  All I can say is that that's not reflected among the papers, the media, the BBC or anyone I've talked to...  but then again I am here so I can do that... here's a little snippet for ya..  sooo Newcastle love Trump don't they :P
       lol bright bunch :P 

    Feel free to offer evidence.. well other than your nan... mine's dead so I suspect she keeps her opinions to herself 
    You just cannot accept it....  factually most Brits either hate Trump or don't give a toss what the crazy Americans are up to now... overwhelmingly people here think it was stupid... You demonstrate that you know very little about how people in the UK and when you are told so you get all huffy.. and thinks you've been away too long :P  as I say you fit right in there :P
      May 2, 2017 4:42 PM MDT

  • I never said I was from Newcastle that is your assumption, please read my comments but you did pounce on that didn't you, making assumptions again. Rather insulting to the people of the north east though.  We all know that you can find any poll or news opinion to your liking on the internet so I'm not even going to bother to respond because I could fill this page with pro Trump articles from the UK and you know it.

    I accept what I know to be true and just because you say it and yes you have proclaimed that "most of the world" don't like Trump which is really putting yourself out there.  Do you speak German, French, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin?

    You've actually said several things which leads me to suspect you're not from the UK, easy to pass off to Americans but you've slipped up several times.  

    I've never been huffy.......I'm not the one who got into an argument on here went of in the huff closed their account but surfaced again the next day.  Now that's a very good example of being huffy.

    Your last sentence is insulting to Americans but not the first time is it?  

    I can only think of one reason why you persist in coming on this site every day, making comments you know are hurtful and disrespectful to the people of the US and their President, guaranteed to rattle cages , we both know why you do it don't we!  
      May 2, 2017 9:30 PM MDT

  • 5614
    Business as usual and electing Hillary just as crazy/stupid. America demands a change of direction NOT just change. Trump won by default. This post was edited by O-uknow at April 30, 2017 9:18 PM MDT
      April 30, 2017 9:16 PM MDT

  • 552
    In my experience it's very rare to meet anyone in the UK with a good word to say about Donald Trump.

    As Adaydreambeliever said, the issues are completely different. 

    I guess there are a few Leavers who would have voted for Donald Trump if they could purely out of anti-establishment contrarianism, but Trump's anti-establishment credentials are starting to fade now he's been in office for 3 months.
      April 30, 2017 2:19 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Absolutely agree... I have asked all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds - no one likes Trump here.
      April 30, 2017 6:38 AM MDT

  • I have to disagree it is not rare at all to meet people who support Trump in Britain, there certainly are the haters but to say it's rare to meet someone who approves of Trump simply isn't true.
      April 30, 2017 9:09 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Well my dear Yoga, I would be much interested in learning where these Trump supporters in Britland are hanging out? I'd surely love to speak to them.. being of a psychological bent and a people watcher to boot - I'd be happy to try to understand why they feel as they do.. but until such time... I can only repeat.. listen to the radio, read the papers, (all of them not just the rags) and talk to people.. I've been doing that.. ok admittedly I tend to hang out among the better educated but I have honestly only encountered 2 Brits, from thousands, who have spoken in favour of Trump... one was a man who, erm... has difficulty stringing a sentence together... and the other was you. I imply no connection there just saying you are the only two. 

    You have your opinion, and I am big enough to accept that you like him, for whatever reasons and motives you personally may have.. but I am afraid the evidence re other Brits is overwhelmingly that he is deeply unpopular here, nay despised..  Facts is facts..

      May 1, 2017 6:13 AM MDT

  • "I tend to hang out among the better educated" .  I have to admit I let out a big unladylike snort when I read that.  Thanks for the laugh.  Psst....just wanted to let you know that the "better educated" person in Britain rarely use the phrase "hang out".  Whoopsie!

    Actually no you don't accept other people's point of view or you wouldn't be on here daily criticizing the POTUS and his supporters when you know that, as a foreigner, it upsets people and is disrespectful.  I have stated I don't know how many times that I would not have voted for Trump, some people in my family did but I don't have to share their opinion, I do however respect it.  What I have said is that we should give him time to sink or swim.  It doesn't seem too much to ask of anyone but DAILY there is a barrage of anti Trump posts and of course your comments.

    I'm not even going to go into fact that you're very wrong when you say that "almost NO ONE in the UK has even an ounce of respect for the orange pumpernickel".  Such a sweeping statement that has absolutely no merit.

    The reference to reading rags is embarrassing how do you know what the rags say unless you read them? ROFL.

      May 1, 2017 9:15 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I truely wouldn't know where to begin... so much you say is erroneous..  well ok since this is probably the last thread I can be bothered to interact with you on I will give it a go...

    Hang out.. my you seem more than a tad out of touch my dear... if you knew anything you would know that one of the true signs of familiarity and ease with the language is the ability to play with it, make it one's own.. I am sure the concept is unfamiliar to you. 

    I am here daily??? well that my dear is the same as many of us.. but daily criticising POTUS.. lol factually incorrect and you credit me with more time and energy than you should but thank you for the vote of confidence...  either way facts belie your opinionated assertion there my sweet. 

    Almost no one has respect for Trump here... the facts are as they are.. .you can accept it or be in denial... I have tried to educate but we know, and always have done that some cannot be educated however many facts they are given.. I provide evidence... you can ignore it if you wish, as can many others... but it doesn't change the facts..

    You state Americans don't like people commenting on their affairs.. oh boy no kiddin .. well gee this is an American based list.. you think i would get far talking about the weather?? Context.. there are many questions on American politics.. so one can either take an interest or... I take an interest.. if some, insecure Americans can't accept that then they would have to accept that a) it may be because Americans are quite insular (no insult ..facts re numbers of Americans wth passports etc..and that the average American really doesn't know how they are perceived. and b) that as we all KNOW america isn't exactly backwards in coming forwards in interfering in world politics and the world arena... so that's kinda a double standard... to say the least.. and yea you are gonna get loads on here agreeing with you.. but that doesn't change how it really is now does it... I really think you have been over there a good while my friend... 

    But there i go again.. trying to throw reason at what really amounts to no proof or evidence from you.... I really should stop trying to reason
    You reveal some very interesting things there.. I am way too ladylike to air them here.. 
      May 2, 2017 4:58 PM MDT

  • Aha!  Reverend I see you only joined this site yesterday I think that explains much.  Your anti Trump sentiments seem to echo Daydream's exactly.  What a coincidence! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at April 30, 2017 9:12 PM MDT
      April 30, 2017 9:11 PM MDT

  • 552
    You're making a rather unwarranted assumption in labelling me "anti-Trump".

    Based on my knowledge of the issues at the time of the election, I would probably not have voted for Trump - I think some of his ideas made sense, others I disagreed with or felt ambivalent about. But on balance I think he is no worse than the alternative. If nothing else, he seems to have plenty of energy, confidence and enthusiasm, which is something that could not have been said of the last two failed Republican candidates.

    To revisit my original answer, I admit my perspective is limited as I haven't met a lot of outspoken Leavers in real life. But, again, we are talking about an election and referendum in which the political issues, cultural context and personalities were very different, and I'm sure there are lots of people in both the Remain and Leave camps who were not that bothered about the US election either way.
      May 1, 2017 1:15 AM MDT

  • "You're making a rather unwarranted assumption in labelling me anti Trump"........."In my experience it's very rare to meet anyone in the UK with a good word to say about Donald Trump" Oh yes that's a Trump supporter there's no doubt about that.

      May 1, 2017 9:20 PM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL Yoga, I do love you :)  You have the quirky Brit sense of humour for sure but are you sure you haven't been over there a little too long as you seem to be starting to believe conspiracy theories :P  
      May 1, 2017 5:50 AM MDT

  • YOU'LL really have to do better than that. 
      May 1, 2017 9:21 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ha ha well since you are clearly incorrect on your latest little conspiracy  i think i have the last laugh here.. not that you or those of that ilk will see that but nuf said my sweet.. I've  tried repeatedly to be nice to you.. and I've actually offered you more olive branches than you deserve... see that's cos I am a nice person.. can you hand on heart say the same? I see it's futile - you seem to prefer to hate... well good luck with that sunshine... but I sure ain't gonna let it trouble me further... lucky old America I am sure you fit in well there cos I have to say.. .you sure don't behave like a Brit... 
      May 2, 2017 4:27 PM MDT