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How many years or decades will remain before there is no Europe left?

Russia disbanded is Europe next?  I mean before the USA even?

Posted - July 16, 2016


  • 46117

    You should see my little sis.  She knows how to rock and she knows how to twist.   She's a lot older than this woman.  I am two days older than dirt.

    You are welcome.

      July 16, 2016 5:47 PM MDT

  • 17641

    The Socialist States of Russia was a country; Europe is a continent and  I don't think it's going anywhere.  The EU might fail and the countries can go back to being sovereign individual countries forging their own way in the world.  That's how it should be.    Many of them want that now.  England has done it and I think some others may follow.  I would like to see us leave the UN.  The best hope for us is all countries retain their sovereignty and respect each others' boundaries.  All of the global crap is just that.  I was thrilled to hear the NFL will not open a franchise in England now that they left the EU.  I mean, how stupid is it for the National Football League to have a team in London.  England might have saved the world.  We won't live to know.

      July 16, 2016 9:03 PM MDT

  • 85

    Europe will always be here, just like all the other continents but of course, you know that, so you’re asking when the EU, the European Union, will break up.


    As a European, I sincerely hope we do not go back to the Dark Ages!


    The Brits decided to leave the EU, well half of them, 51.9% did, but there’s a lot of soul-searching going on because many of them were misled, misguided and all of them were lied to during the campaign for the referendum on Brexit.


    When they leave, and most already know it, they’re not doing themselves nor anyone else any favours. Enough of that!


    And now on the same sort of theme..

    in a nutshell, my utopian view of why a ‘United World’ is and should be the ultimate goal for all of humanity!


    Don’t jump to conclusions about my mental state because I realise that this takes a huge leap of faith if not of your imagination but

    a planetary society in a world without countries and national boundaries would be a world

    where conflict and wars between nations cannot exist.


    This is a world where religious and ethnic differences fade into insignificance,

    where history books talk of starvation where millions of people die of hunger,

    where poverty is just a scourge of the dark ages.

    Also, one world government, and this is one of my favourite gripes,

    is that it would just require a fraction of politicians and civil servants to run this planet.

    Less politicians are easier to monitor, if you know what I mean.

    Conclusion: if only every human being was aware

    of what so many astronauts and cosmonauts reported when they returned

    from the moon or from orbiting our planet that humanity needs to unite

    on this tiny rock in space which we call Earth (remember Carl Sagan, “the Pale Blue Dot”?),

    humanity will get a lot closer to achieving perfection!

      July 17, 2016 5:50 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Well it is going somewhere, just not sinking into the ocean.  The land may stay, but the names and places will change.  It is just a matter of time.   Everything is changing so fast these days, I cannot keep up. 

      July 17, 2016 10:35 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Hi Grass.

    I do see where you are coming from.  I don't know how to get there without a significant consciousness change the like of which we have never experienced.  Since anything is actually possible, I would like to dream your dream into actuality.

      July 17, 2016 10:37 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Yeah, I guess but you don't look far if you think that piece of what once was, is RUSSIA in its heyday.  The USSR is gone and almost forgotten.   Ukraine is mostly what remains or is mostly what is talked about today.

    The Soviet Union was dissolved on December 26, 1991 as a result of the declaration no. 142-Н of the Soviet of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.[1] The declaration acknowledged the independence of the former Soviet republics and created the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), although five of the signatories ratified it much later or not at all. On the previous day, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, resigned, declared his office extinct, and handed over its powers – including control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes – to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That evening at 7:32 p.m., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag.[2]

    Previously, from August to December, all the individual republics, including Russia itself, had seceded from the union. The week before the union's formal dissolution, 11 republics – all except the Baltic states and Georgia – signed the Alma-Ata Protocol formally establishing the CIS and declaring that the Soviet Union had ceased to exist.[3][4] The Revolutions of 1989 and the dissolution of the USSR (Russian: распад СССР) also signaled the end of the Cold War.

    Several of the former Soviet republics have retained close links with the Russian Federation and formed multilateral organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State, the Eurasian Customs Union, and the Eurasian Economic Union to enhance economic and security cooperation. Some have joined NATO and the European Union.

      July 16, 2016 2:50 PM MDT

  • I guess when ISIS eventually wins.

      July 16, 2016 3:23 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Wait, you mean ISIS isn't Russia.  Man, I didn't know that. 

    She kind of looks like Mrs. Kruschev if you know about ancient history.  (1960's)

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      July 16, 2016 3:25 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Sorry, you need to copy my line, but you are mostly right.  I just felt like arguing. 

    YOU ARE RIGHT for once.  Delight in it.

      July 16, 2016 3:32 PM MDT

  • 503

    That reminds me....How is your little Sis ?

      July 16, 2016 3:54 PM MDT