That is awesome, I never knew you are bilingual. Have you thought of using this great asset to get a job where it would be useful? I have studied Spanish for years and still don't know enough to have a decent conversation. I am sure if I'd put more effort into it, I'd learn more. The two semesters in college didn't even help much.
Yes. It didn't work out well... I gave up.. it was too much like hard work and even with the translator we didn't understand each other...
I DO talk to a lot of people in real life and online who don't have good English.. but I don't think I could communicate effectively with someone with no English
This reminds me of when I recited Cultiva Una Rosa Blanca in Spanish class. There were about half a dozen, or may six, Peruvians, or some Latin American county people, in the class that day and I was a bit nervous but I got it perfecto. I never did read the English translation because I was afraid it would mess me up.