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Does anyone know what kinds of work you can create on your own when you have low income housing?

       Im in hud housing, I cant find work no matter what I do and im tired of living on no income, I heard you cant have your own business but I've also heard that you can create your own job as long as you didnt have people coming and going. I've thought of selling avon online, but wasnt sure if that was allowed and the manager in my building dont seem to know either. Ive tried goggling it but dont get answers so I wondered if anyone has ever dealt with these issues and whats allowed, besides doing avon online, what other similar jobs can i do living here? of course I would report income but I just need to know whats allowed before i try it. anyone know?

Posted - May 7, 2017


  • 6477
    I am sorry I don't know.. but I have worked from home before... it is generally low paid but it's possible.. Is there any way you could perhaps offer secretarial/typing services online? proof reading? If not then I wouldn't think that selling Avon is going to upset anyone.. 
      May 7, 2017 2:30 PM MDT

  • 17653
    Maybe you could walk people's dogs or house sit.  You could baby or pet sit in other people's homes.  You could assist an elderly person with light housework and cooking  a couple of times a week. 

    I'm sure you have, but I'll ask anyway:  Have you solicited the help of an employment agency?  They may have good ideas and know of employment opportunities.  Tell them you need "employer paid" suggestions, because the fee is high and most employers pay it.

    Again, good luck.  I am so sorry for your employment woes.
      May 7, 2017 2:35 PM MDT

  • Pearl, we answered this for you in your last question. I even sent you a link for the Avon. Here's another link:
    eing an Avon rep isn't your own business. 
    We can't possibly know what is and is not allowed where you live. Different places have different rules and regulations. You are going to have to talk to your local HUD rep to find those answers.
      May 7, 2017 2:39 PM MDT

  • 1268
    I am not sure what your talents are but look at and both sites you can actually earn money but elance is likely faster and you might have to work for a little less than you desire the first couple gigs just to prove yourself. It is a worldwide site and so there is competition but some people will only hire Native English speakers for some gigs.
      May 7, 2017 3:26 PM MDT